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Suggestion: True Mirage Mechanic


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What if there was a visual distortion? It could be like the distortion caused by drunkeness in GW1. It wouldn't have to do actual damage, the distorted visual would be handicap enough. It would be tough to scream "OP" about a mechanic that did no damage. Yet, it would at least temporarily make it very difficult to fight., You'd probably need to break target as well.

It's theme appropriate since a mirage, ( in the desert, ) is a distortion/refraction of light caused by heat. Beside that, a mechanic that debilitated without any actual damage would be perfect for the Mesmer theme, generally. Perhaps the mirrors could cause this, like funhouse mirrors.

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Completely ineffective in PvE and probably also in ZvZ. Their most likely implementation would also be nullified by disabling postprocessing, at least that gets rid of drunkenness and toxic hallucinations.

Mirage Cloak visual effect baseline on clones when you dodge, short directional blink if you dodge with a movement key held with clones mimicking that movement, some interaction between mirrors and shatters, maybe an added F5 that teleports you to mirrors or something.

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Would be fun for sure, though there will be inevitable pvp/wvw whining and the visual effect would need careful adjustment so as to not be too annoying to play against.

So say mirage cloak has a new effect that any enemies within a certain radius (maybe 1200 units) have distorted visuals (similar to toxic alliance hallucination effect). Could be very annoying so kind of on the fence though I wouldn't say no to it. Or maybe only breaking mirrors triggers this effect.

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