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Lower Improvisation Cooldown?


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@Sir Vincent III.1286 said:

@Curennos.9307 said:1) Remove ICD2) Make it always reset something on CD. None of this 'reset the CD of something that wasn't cooling down' stuff. This would at least let people try and force certain skills to reset and create more interesting play.

I agree, but...what would you do about DE double stealing?

I would remove quickness from spvp.


EDIT: By the way, you do know that double stealing is not just about the Quickness right?

DE Condi build: Steal ->Binding -> Mercy -> Steal -> Binding/Mercy (whichever refreshed first).

Heck you can even Steal ->Mercy ad infinitum.

Set Improv to inherit steal's cooldown but not the mechanics that influence steal (so it would change w/traits reducing steal CD, but wouldn't like...give boons and stuff xD)? This would have the same effect as removing the cooldown for most builds while ensuring Mercy could not be abused.

That's just a horrible idea. For the sake of Improv, you want to nerf Mug (no dmg, no heal), Sleight (no daze), Serpent Touch (no poison), Bewildering (no confuse), BQoBK (no quickness), etc.

No, thank you. Just delete Improvisation please.

How does matching Improv's cooldown to steal impact mug/sleight/serp/bewilder/bqobk?

Improv. Inherit. Steal. Cooldown. That second part was just to clarify that improv proccing would not proc steal-related traits - but you could still cast steal and get them anyway O.o

Review your post. You said: "Set Improv to inherit steal's cooldown
but not the mechanics
that influence steal (so it would change w/traits reducing steal CD, but
wouldn't like...give boons and stuff

I wasn't responding on the matching CD, I'm responding to the the trade off.

Yes. Improv would inherit steal's cooldown, but not the traits themselves that impact steal. So, improv proccing would not proc might/swiftness/fury/vigor from trickery, nor would it proc quickness from BQoBK. It's not a trade off - it's just ensuring improv remains balanced. Steal would stay the same.

You may have misunderstood me - I am referring to the mechanical difference in how Improv would inherit steal's cooldown. Anet could just have it basically be a second steal that procs (similar to how skills have a skill 'type' and getting a trait that impacts that type gives the effect to all utility skills with that type), in which case it would give a buncha boons like steal does. Or, they could have it directly inherit the cooldown and nothing else - I wanted to be very clear that the intent was NOT to give improv extra boons on proc.

Knowing anet we could easily end up with steal proccing steal traits, and improv proccing steal traits, and then resetting steal which also procs those traits. Look deep into your heart. You know this to be true.

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@Curennos.9307 said:

@Curennos.9307 said:1) Remove ICD2) Make it always reset something on CD. None of this 'reset the CD of something that wasn't cooling down' stuff. This would at least let people try and force certain skills to reset and create more interesting play.

I agree, but...what would you do about DE double stealing?

I would remove quickness from spvp.


EDIT: By the way, you do know that double stealing is not just about the Quickness right?

DE Condi build: Steal ->Binding -> Mercy -> Steal -> Binding/Mercy (whichever refreshed first).

Heck you can even Steal ->Mercy ad infinitum.

Set Improv to inherit steal's cooldown but not the mechanics that influence steal (so it would change w/traits reducing steal CD, but wouldn't like...give boons and stuff xD)? This would have the same effect as removing the cooldown for most builds while ensuring Mercy could not be abused.

That's just a horrible idea. For the sake of Improv, you want to nerf Mug (no dmg, no heal), Sleight (no daze), Serpent Touch (no poison), Bewildering (no confuse), BQoBK (no quickness), etc.

No, thank you. Just delete Improvisation please.

How does matching Improv's cooldown to steal impact mug/sleight/serp/bewilder/bqobk?

Improv. Inherit. Steal. Cooldown. That second part was just to clarify that improv proccing would not proc steal-related traits - but you could still cast steal and get them anyway O.o

Review your post. You said: "Set Improv to inherit steal's cooldown
but not the mechanics
that influence steal (so it would change w/traits reducing steal CD, but
wouldn't like...give boons and stuff

I wasn't responding on the matching CD, I'm responding to the the trade off.-snip-You may have misunderstood me - I am referring to the mechanical difference in how Improv would inherit steal's cooldown. Anet could just have it basically be a second steal that procs (similar to how skills have a skill 'type' and getting a trait that impacts that type gives the effect to all utility skills with that type), in which case it would give a buncha boons like steal does. Or, they could have it directly inherit the cooldown and nothing else - I wanted to be very clear that the intent was NOT to give improv extra boons on proc.

Sorry that doesn't really help. Now you're talking about second steal. I give up.

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@Sir Vincent III.1286 said:

@Curennos.9307 said:1) Remove ICD2) Make it always reset something on CD. None of this 'reset the CD of something that wasn't cooling down' stuff. This would at least let people try and force certain skills to reset and create more interesting play.

I agree, but...what would you do about DE double stealing?

I would remove quickness from spvp.


EDIT: By the way, you do know that double stealing is not just about the Quickness right?

DE Condi build: Steal ->Binding -> Mercy -> Steal -> Binding/Mercy (whichever refreshed first).

Heck you can even Steal ->Mercy ad infinitum.

Set Improv to inherit steal's cooldown but not the mechanics that influence steal (so it would change w/traits reducing steal CD, but wouldn't like...give boons and stuff xD)? This would have the same effect as removing the cooldown for most builds while ensuring Mercy could not be abused.

That's just a horrible idea. For the sake of Improv, you want to nerf Mug (no dmg, no heal), Sleight (no daze), Serpent Touch (no poison), Bewildering (no confuse), BQoBK (no quickness), etc.

No, thank you. Just delete Improvisation please.

How does matching Improv's cooldown to steal impact mug/sleight/serp/bewilder/bqobk?

Improv. Inherit. Steal. Cooldown. That second part was just to clarify that improv proccing would not proc steal-related traits - but you could still cast steal and get them anyway O.o

Review your post. You said: "Set Improv to inherit steal's cooldown
but not the mechanics
that influence steal (so it would change w/traits reducing steal CD, but
wouldn't like...give boons and stuff

I wasn't responding on the matching CD, I'm responding to the the trade off.-snip-You may have misunderstood me - I am referring to the mechanical difference in how Improv would inherit steal's cooldown. Anet could just have it basically be a second steal that procs (similar to how skills have a skill 'type' and getting a trait that impacts that type gives the effect to all utility skills with that type), in which case it would give a buncha boons like steal does. Or, they could have it directly inherit the cooldown and nothing else - I wanted to be very clear that the intent was NOT to give improv extra boons on proc.

Sorry that doesn't really help. Now you're talking about second steal. I give up.

I'm gonna try this one more time.

Improv would inherit steal's cooldown and nothing else.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bumping this thread back up.Improv should have a icd that matches the cd of steal/swipe/mark depending on what you specialize, this can be done the same way necro has 2 different version of the dhumfire trait depending on whether or not they have scourge slotted.As it stands now you get the cd reset role on every other swipe/mark use because of the icd, and waiting 3 more seconds for an invisible cooldown is not fun gameplay or good design and defeats the purpose of the shorter cooldown on swipe/mark.

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