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Newish Mesmer

Alrec Rahl.2183

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Not brand new, been away for a few years and random itch to run a Mesmer struck. So about a week ago I made a Sylvari Mesmer, and yesterday I consumed a free level 80 booster.

Now Im in a pickle- I have a lot of choices ahead of me, and Im not entirely sure how to proceed with them so Im looking for contemporary advice on a range of mesmer topics because frankly the meta is a bit too thick to shift through at the moment for me.

Mirage vs Chronomancer Vs Vanilla (I know the Mirage is still really new so opinions will be mixed. But both look amazing)Power vs Condition damage (Or alternatives)And my largest conundrum is what should I be running for my build and long range weapon. Greatsword, or staff? Im fond of both as well as Sword (or Axe if I mirage... though that ambusher for sword is a well needed closer)+ ____ (Shield if I go Chrono)

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Mirage is a condition DPS elite, chrono is an utility build best for parties. Vanilla mesmer is power DPS and the cheapest to gear. That's the basics of it.

Axe/pistol for mirage, sword/shield for chrono, sword/sword for mesmer. Other off hands depending on build and utility. Almost no one users greatsword or staff.

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@Alrec Rahl.2183 said:Mirage vs Chronomancer Vs Vanilla (I know the Mirage is still really new so opinions will be mixed. But both look amazing)

In general:

  • Core Mesmer is the best option for power DPS builds with the Domination, Dueling, and Illusions trait lines.
  • Chronomancer is an extremely strong support specialization but also really good at burst damage with shatters. For fractals and raids, you'll want to take Domination, Inspiration, and Chronomancer and focus on quickness and alacrity. For PvP or WvW, you can do a lot of damage with shatters thanks to the Chronophantasma trait that resummons your phantasms once when you shatter them, either with power or condition damage.
  • Mirage, in PvE, is a condition DPS spec with a lot of mobility. In PvP, it works really well with power, too, but its strength is definitely its mobility and evasiveness.

@Alrec Rahl.2183 said:Power vs Condition damage (Or alternatives)

In PvE, you'll want power for core Mesmer and Chronomancer, and condition damage for Mirage. For group PvE Chronomancer, it's a good idea to trade some personal DPS to pick up boon duration, often with Commander's gear (or Minstrel, if you want to go full tank/support).

In PvP, it's up to you. Power and condition damage specs work well with both Mirage and Chronomancer in PvP.

@Alrec Rahl.2183 said:And my largest conundrum is what should I be running for my build and long range weapon. Greatsword, or staff? Im fond of both as well as Sword (or Axe if I mirage... though that ambusher for sword is a well needed closer)+ ____ (Shield if I go Chrono)

If you're using power stats, your main weapon set should be sword/sword for damage or sword/shield for Chronomancer. In fractals, your other set should probably just be an alternate off-hand, often focus for the pull and potential projectile reflection. In open world, though, it pays to have a ranged option, and greatsword is the best choice for a power-based ranged weapon.

For condition damage, I'd recommend axe/torch for open world and axe/pistol for fractals or raids. Your other set, again, depends on the context. For open world, where you'll want a ranged option, scepter/pistol is a good choice. For fractals/raids, where you'll likely want to stay in melee as much as possible, go for axe/torch or axe/focus (again, for the pull and possible reflect, though that's more likely to come up in fractals than raids for a Mirage). For Mirage, axe's third skill, Axes of Symmetry, is a pretty great closer all on its own, as are the Mirage Advance and Illusionary Ambush utility skills.

I like axe/torch for open world Mirage because your phantasms won't live all that long and so you won't get as much mileage out of pistol phantasms as you will in fractals and raids. It's nice to have that stealth and the burning application from torch. For fractals and raids, though, axe/pistol is your strongest weapon set, with the Dueling trait Duelist's Discipline that makes your phantasms' pistol shots cause bleeding.

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@"Alrec Rahl.2183" said:Ok so save the condi build for Mirage, expect to hear a constant "Why arent you running Chrono!" until I can, and go for power in the mean time.

Just leaves the weapons.

While I mainly run Chronomancer in my (semi-)static group, I also have a Fractal-ready gear for my Mirage, and yes, I do get asked that question once in a while when PuGing. My answer is, "because I want to see me out-damage your silly Quickness- and Alacrity-reliant builds. :D"

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@Ojimaru.8970 said:

@"Alrec Rahl.2183" said:Ok so save the condi build for Mirage, expect to hear a constant "Why arent you running Chrono!" until I can, and go for power in the mean time.

Just leaves the weapons.

While I mainly run Chronomancer in my (semi-)static group, I also have a Fractal-ready gear for my Mirage, and yes, I do get asked that question once in a while when PuGing. My answer is, "because I want to see me out-damage your silly Quickness- and Alacrity-reliant builds. :D"


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as a mesmer player i find power mesmer WRONG so very wrong. condi mesmer all the way i was chrono but switched to mirage scepter pistol - axe pistol are my weapons of choice. piling on confusion and torment illusions chaos mirage trait lines. i use my shatters alot too if you would like i can message a link to my build. i've already posted a reply with the video to someone today so i don't want to be spamming it everywhere.

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