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@kash.9213 said:

@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:That's a good point as well. It depends on the boon priority lists for all the skills you plan on using, last I looked at it it wasn't really consistent which boons got stolen first when comparing sources of boonrip sadly.

Is there an easy to read priority list somewhere?

And thanks all for the discussion! I've learned quite a bit so far. Stability ripping is a really good point and something I would have to play around. I'm not very good with stealth (usually play evasion heavy), so hasn't considered just going Shadow Arts instead for... basically all of this. It looks really attractive at this point though.

without BT u cant steal on someone with aegis either fyi

That's a good point as well. Honestly I've run bountiful theft for that long I forget what it's like not having it sometimes, so while I plan to try trickster for the CD reduction post patch I may not stick with it either.

The CDR won't be worth it. I doubt you'd be healing often after the patch.

Trickster will still be worth it if one using 3 tricks. 2 is probably not enough to make it worthwhile.

This suggests a core build for the most part as you are not taking the DRD and DE utilities if you want three tricks. If I have Daggerstrom, withdraw and RFI in use I will stick with Trickster. Indeed of all the classes of utilities , Tricks are the only one I can see using in every slot.

Daggerstorm is getting nerfed so you are practically taking Trickster for one utility skill, RFI.

If you want to reduce recharge of your utilities and not be limited to Trickery based skills, you're better off investing in Improvisation and effectively make all your utility skills have 20s CD.

The CDR from Trickster has always been just a bonus, not the main reason to take it, at least for me. I take it for cleanse, but with the new SA, it's no longer necessary.

I would disagree. If in an s/d build I would still want trickster. I am not stealthing a lot in that build. I am not too worried about stability as I am not built to interrupt. Trait withdraw/RFI/Sw and you have all the cleanses you need.

You can free up your utility slots by taking Improv + SA -- just saying.

But I do not like SA in an s/x build. Besides I can take Improv anyways. Improv and Trickster are not mutually exclusive. What I am giving up is boon theft. Improv resetting tricks of which I might have three traited? I will take any day of the week. Now if i In p/d d/p or rifle, yeah I am taking BT and the SA line. It going to be harder to rely on Boon theft given they dropped one out of BT and now Rending shade gets a hit.

What's happening to rending shade? Last I checked the pre patch notes there wasn't a change to it, might have missed it tho.Edit: nvm, I found it. If there's also a decrease in boon spam across the classes its fine, but it might just destroy the point of boon theft if they don't. It's another "see how it pans out" case I guess.

I'll survive that Rending Shade change as long as it still takes the whole stack and not just a generic representation like other boon steals and keeps that Fear, I might not take it without Bountiful or something else to supplement it though. One of the strengths of RS is that both effects are from a Stealth Attack which gives it options.

Yeah, it's definitely still going to be a good trait in combination with other boon rips for sure. The main reason I take it now is that against opponents like boonbeast, firebrand, protection holo, never die ele etc, I end up dealing more damage with greater consistency from stripping the protection with rending shade on every deaths judgement than I would from taking a damage traitline over SA or trickery. My main concern is that while two boons ripped works ok now, if the amount of boon spam doesn't decrease proportionally with the boonrip, you might not be able to keep enough pressure on these builds in order to kill them. Like I say tho, we'll have to see how it pans out post patch, as honestly there's that many variables changing its pretty hard to make any sort of prediction now.

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