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Breaking one of two damage types = balance?


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So I'll admit that I'm salty. I used to play a condi scrapper, which was unexpectedly useful, but they nerfed (reworked) the superspeed healing (to no exist) sometime last year, so it didn't feel right. Then I randomly picked up a warrior and found that I liked it. Played it for months, got it to the point where it was competitive, but not OP (I'd test it on the Frogs HP in HoT, if it didn't get downed, it was a pass). Now I can barely stand to look at wvw as of yesterday.

Was it Anets intention to alienate those that used power builds? It's a semi big thing for me, as this it only my second wvw friendly character, first as a power user, but how long it takes just to kill camp npcs now...and they aren't even bunkered down lol. It feels like something other gaming companies would do, like "we know what fun is, and this is now fun". I didn't care about the reward track costing 200g...that isn't a thing I have to worry about, but I was sorta amped up a bit about the boost event, only to find out that my character is trying to killed things with a blunt herring (how the damage feels at this point). I dunno. For all I know, this is just par for the course, but I didn't think things would change so drastically, in a very one sided way lol. /rantmode off

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@SamouraiPizzaCat.4821 said:Power builds still work. You need to make adjustments. I've adjusted all my toons. They are still playable. You need to theory craft.

Please humor us, how're you faring against all em' condi and heal bunkers at the moment with yer power builds.. particularly in 1v1 to small scale engagements, just curious.. I'm hopeful the theory craft turns out to be more than just theory. ;)

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@eXruina.4956 said:

@SamouraiPizzaCat.4821 said:Power builds still work. You need to make adjustments. I've adjusted all my toons. They are still playable. You need to theory craft.

Please humor us, how're you faring against all em' condi and heal bunkers at the moment with yer power builds.. particularly in 1v1 to small scale engagements, just curious.. I'm hopeful the theory craft turns out to be more than just theory. ;)

So once their condi spam is gone because you have cleanses, what do they do? Run? Or hit you with their 500 damage hits?

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@eXruina.4956 said:

@SamouraiPizzaCat.4821 said:Power builds still work. You need to make adjustments. I've adjusted all my toons. They are still playable. You need to theory craft.

Please humor us, how're you faring against all em' condi and heal bunkers at the moment with yer power builds.. particularly in 1v1 to small scale engagements, just curious.. I'm hopeful the theory craft turns out to be more than just theory. ;)

Yes I will be uploading another video to YouTube with a few builds I have put together, I think you'll find power is still good, Condi mirage is still no fun to fight but roaming solo is still enjoyable. Personal opinion anyway :)

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@eXruina.4956 said:

@SamouraiPizzaCat.4821 said:Power builds still work. You need to make adjustments. I've adjusted all my toons. They are still playable. You need to theory craft.

Please humor us, how're you faring against all em' condi and heal bunkers at the moment with yer power builds.. particularly in 1v1 to small scale engagements, just curious.. I'm hopeful the theory craft turns out to be more than just theory. ;)

When your opponents are not even bronze rank, everything seems to work against them rofl.

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On topic, they obviously foresaw this, and i not its been brought up many times over, it was that obvious, if they didn't foresee it they should be out of the job, and unless they plan to push out a followup patch quickly, then not adjusting condition damage, at least in wvw was very.. very.. shortsighted.

I say been there done that, not the first time this past 7 years, and won't be the last I bet.. save yourselves from the heartache, headache and dealing with trolls, maybe take up another game that you find fun.

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@SamouraiPizzaCat.4821 said:

@SamouraiPizzaCat.4821 said:Power builds still work. You need to make adjustments. I've adjusted all my toons. They are still playable. You need to theory craft.

Please humor us, how're you faring against all em' condi and heal bunkers at the moment with yer power builds.. particularly in 1v1 to small scale engagements, just curious.. I'm hopeful the theory craft turns out to be more than just theory. ;)

Yes I will be uploading another video to YouTube with a few builds I have put together, I think you'll find power is still good, Condi mirage is still no fun to fight but roaming solo is still enjoyable. Personal opinion anyway :)

Well I am very much curious, and I'd very much personally like to see and experience said power builds hands on in this iteration of the game in some duels, please feel free to schedule some with me. ;) I am merely Dolyak rank PvP.. so it shouldn't be too much trouble for you to show your effectiveness.. >___~"

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@Blocki.4931 said:

@SamouraiPizzaCat.4821 said:Power builds still work. You need to make adjustments. I've adjusted all my toons. They are still playable. You need to theory craft.

Please humor us, how're you faring against all em' condi and heal bunkers at the moment with yer power builds.. particularly in 1v1 to small scale engagements, just curious.. I'm hopeful the theory craft turns out to be more than just theory. ;)

So once their condi spam is gone because you have cleanses, what do they do? Run? Or hit you with their 500 damage hits?

Run out of condi spam you say? God forbid.. :O


and cleanses.. so many cleanses, simply amazing.. nobody ever thought of those things.. :O

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