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  1. Can confirm with my norn as well. I wonder if it is using dual-wield pistol animation? edit, Same with guardian pistol/sword animation. Looks like dual-wield pistol stance animation.
  2. I checked The shining blade on multiple classes and races and offhand sword looks the same, in a guarded position not clipping my characters' faces while running.
  3. Setup better keybinds. It will solve so many "qol" issues you may think you are having.
  4. There is a pin thread for feedback.
  5. There is a bug that has to do with underwater play that will bug out your clones so when they spawn they spawn dead but your clone pips are always full, visual only. It has been around for a LONGGGGGG time.
  6. I was just getting over my 3 pips available but instant dead clone trama...
  7. It will do more damage just like gravity well in wvw.
  8. I just use the phantasm distortion trait. For clones, they are not meant to be tanky. They are meant to be "mirror" images that "confuse" enemies and die in a hit to reveal the mesmer. Maybe they could reduce their damage taken from aoe attacks?
  9. I would just build a sneaky ballista somewhere for tapping.
  10. The stupid part about 50% repair is that it will take one person forever to close but also it will take even longer for someone to reopen. Who is this update supposedly helping?
  11. Don't like the loss of patching a gate or wall to stop the flood of respawns and late comers.
  12. I'm not sure where people get the presearing vibe from. This looks too wild for ascalon / not happy enough.
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