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Another Spellbreaker Build


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This is another point bruiser with heavy emphasis on blanketing points with burning damage and providing valuable boon ripping for your team. It's a hybrid build in a way so it can hold its own in several match-ups. The pressure that you can put out directly relates to how well you use Full Counter, Combustive Shot (Re: don't use when reflects are up! xD), and Dagger F1 to remove boons like resistance and protection. The build does relatively well in condi matchups and can at least survive a few mistakes vs power matchups thanks to Rousing Resilience. Timing the blinds on LB4 are also key as they are basically extra dodges in a 1v1 scenario. The burning on auto-attacks allows you to kite to no port spots vs thieves ect. and still have somewhat relevant plink pressure from afar. A typical combo run might look like Combustive Shot > FC > Combustive Shot > Bull's Charge > Fan of Fire > Dagger F1 > Disrupting Stab ect.

Variants: Battle Standard for instant stomps (keep in mind Rampage is -50% damage and the cc can be really helpful for setting things up), Defiant Stance if you need to focus on boon stripping at mid fights, everything else is pretty much BiS.

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IMO if you are going to use LB, you're better off going core Def/Disp/Strength with Cleansing Ire and GS/LB. Won't be able to test until end of March though. Also stomp is probably a must have once the CD is fixed.

Maybe something like this? (utilities and elite up to you)http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKgAENlJwqYjMFWJOWPqLfA-zZILlIjgMLgSTgeDBZHA

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I haven't tried core GS/LB yet but I feel like boons are too potent right now to drop Spellbreaker. I also feel like warrior struggles to maintain relevance as a pressure skirmisher. Trying to peel for someone as a power war is a huge struggle in a 2v2 now because the button-mash damage to force them to play defensively just isn't there anymore vs good players. Stripping their might/fury and ccing them feels way more impactful than it did pre-patch. Edit: Looking forward to your insights on war soon BP!

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@Zagerus.8675 said:I haven't tried core GS/LB yet but I feel like boons are too potent right now to drop Spellbreaker. I also feel like warrior struggles to maintain relevance as a pressure skirmisher. Trying to peel for someone as a power war is a huge struggle in a 2v2 now because the button-mash damage to force them to play defensively just isn't there anymore vs good players. Stripping their might/fury and ccing them feels way more impactful than it did pre-patch. Edit: Looking forward to your insights on war soon BP!

Especially with spellbreaker still using old coefficients on f1 bursts, dealing quite alot more dmg than core. Great bug, forcing ppl even more into playing spb.

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