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Like the changes happening but...


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They are lazy changes. "JuSt DeCReaSe ThE DuRRatIOn " was not the problem with lich form. It's the autos hitting for half health and the fact that it's immortal due to the get out of jail free trait still proccing on it.

"JuSt InCreAse ThE EnErgY CoSt" is not proper rev balance.

"JUsT InCrEAse tHE CoOlDoWn" is not proper FB balance.

These are definitely better than nothing, but they don't really address problems at their root.

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@"Master Ketsu.4569" said:They are lazy changes. "JuSt DeCReaSe ThE DuRRatIOn DuuuRRrr" was not the problem with lich form. It's the autos hitting for half health and the fact that it's immortal due to the get out of jail free trait still proccing on it.

"JuSt InCreAse ThE EnErgY CoSt" is not proper rev balance.

"JUsT InCrEAse tHE CoOlDoWn" is not proper FB balance.

These are definitely better than nothing, but they don't really address problems at their root.

Yea, the nerfs and buffs that Anet likes to churn out post patch are just "feel-bad-to-use" nerfs which don't actually solve the problem.Said it once, said it a thousand times : all Anet is doing is slowing the game way the hell down.

Oh this thing is overperforming - slap on some restrictions so it performs less efficientlyOh this other thing suddenly overperforms because the things that used to counter it can't do so efficiently anymore - slap on restrictions there.

Boo boo boo, just horrible way to band-aid in the long run.

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