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High Ping PvP


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I am from Australia, I have 300 ms usually

Any way I can improve this?

Do people have experience at GW2 PvP on high ping and what can you tell me to do to adjust for it?

like this game is hard with high ping, it makes it really tricky to connect in melee range

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There's not much you can do. I'm sitting at 300 ms as well. You'll see 'some' benefit from using something like pingzapper but that'll only imrpove by ~30 ms and it'll0 probably give a more stable connection. I use it because it's only like $30 for a year but there's others that'll work too. I used to get 220 ms before the amazon servers but getting it under 250 ms nowadays is basically impossible just because we're literally on the other side of the planet and things can only move so fast through cables. You might want to try EU out instead of US as the US servers are based on the East but I didn't see any improvement from this either. Sorry man.

As for adjusting to it, that'll just come with time. Ping is only really relevant in pvp and you can have good success still quite easily because it's not 'as' important. Generally you'll be able to just 'feel' what someones is about to do or have the tiniest time to react to bigger buildups. It'll just come with playing though, and there isn't any sort of special trick to it, you'll just get used to it. Melee is definitely more of a challenge than ranged though, don't have the melee collision assistance turned on because you'll want to be sitting inside their model.

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