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Access to all hairstyles when you buy the hairstyle item.

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Females only get to choose female hair. Males only get to choose male hair.

If I'm paying for an item, I would like access to all types of hair available to my race.

(Example: only male Charr get the big anime hair, and female Charr do not have that option.)

Please vote to bring attention and awareness to this expression of self to the Guild Wars devs.

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It would be embarrassing to not have the majority support from the forums. :D

I think it'd be neat to have the freedom to choose any kind of haircut regardless of gender, but for some reason ANet has decided to stick to mostly traditional gender roles regarding this aspect. ._.

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It would be embarrassing to not have the majority support from the forums. :D

I think it'd be neat to have the freedom to choose any kind of haircut regardless of gender, but for some reason ANet has decided to stick to mostly traditional gender roles regarding this aspect. ._.

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