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The new patch for glyph summons did not fix the main issue.


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Summoned Elementals: Fixed a bug that caused elementals to be killed prematurely when using certain skills that lock the skill bar.Cool.... so why would you leave in the dumb mounting kills your summons bug?I assume its a bug because noone could think this would be a good idea.With the way it is now you might as well just unbind your mount and play like your in vanilla.....

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I get the idea that having the elementals trying to keep up with you while mounted might be a problem, along with them getting into trouble along the way, but that's a problem that could be solved. Perhaps the elementals could be temporarily unsummoned while you're mounted but it remembers them and resummons them when you dismount?

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@Jokubas.4265 said:I get the idea that having the elementals trying to keep up with you while mounted might be a problem, along with them getting into trouble along the way, but that's a problem that could be solved. Perhaps the elementals could be temporarily unsummoned while you're mounted but it remembers them and resummons them when you dismount?

I love this idea and is what I originally thought before getting back into my ele. On top of that, I went privateer runes and the parrot is nice but didn’t realize the agro it has when going from point to point as it can summon when being hit so remounting/changing mounts is abysmal since you’re stuck in combat so “unsummoning” would be awesome. Honestly, may just switch to strength runes but then slight wasted investment in privateer lol

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That reminds me. I have Signet of Illusions on my Mesmer right now (it works wonders for the playstyle I was going for, but I have no idea if it's a 'good idea'; I tend to do my own thing and don't do the harder content where I need something specific), and it's really annoying that it will spawn clones even when I have no target. A lot of times I'll finish a hard fight, a moment will pass, then a clone will spawn and run after a random enemy, preventing me from mounting up and sometimes getting me killed by preventing my health regeneration. What really baffles me about that one is that it's a key mechanic of illusions to begin with that they need a target to spawn for the sake of Shatter skills and such, so it's weird to me that the Signet even triggers when I'm not targeting anything.

I don't think it's a bug per se (the signet seems to be choosing a random nearby target on its own so it's not like it's broken), but it's a weird side effect of the ability that makes it completely unnecessarily risky in a way that does not feel intended. The fixes wouldn't be the same for these abilities, but I feel like these would be relatively simple quality of life changes.

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@Jokubas.4265 said:I get the idea that having the elementals trying to keep up with you while mounted might be a problem, along with them getting into trouble along the way, but that's a problem that could be solved. Perhaps the elementals could be temporarily unsummoned while you're mounted but it remembers them and resummons them when you dismount?

For example Necromancer summons dont follow you when your mounted. They vanish and reappear when you dismount. Elementalist summons should be the same just if they expire while your mounted then yeah then they should be gone when you dismount.Also an annoying thing is if you summon a rockdog using Superior Rune of the Ogre, the rockdog also dies the second you mount up. I believe its like this also for rune of the golemancer.

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