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Suggestion: Contracts in order to create a more dynamic world


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A contract would be a binding agreement between two or more players which resulted in a transaction if an event was completed. For instance, a player would like a group to take him through the fractals and show him the ropes. None of his friends are online, but he's willing to shell out a little gold for the trouble. He creates a contract with the fractal levels he wants to accomplish, and the transaction amount involved and puts it out there for public viewing. players who are interested see the contract and they sign it. There is now an active contract in play, if he and the players complete the fractals, the contract is successful and the money is transferred to the participants.

Should commanders get paid? Commanders leading groups could create contracts to lead players into battle. Raid pros could make a little extra money helping you with your boss progress.

Contracts could have all sorts of uses, and I bet you can think of a lot more. The only thing that would be hard to code is how do you know if a contract failed or was successful. Contract events would need to be built in to the contract system for this to work properly. Or in game admins would need to be arbiters of contracts.

20 gold to the first person who finds my dynamically aware contract enabled object in Lion's arch!

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