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New Mesmer Weapon

Harry Foud.1935

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I can imagine1.) Longbow, would really love to see that as an aoe weapon on the mesmer :love:2.) Dual Daggers, as 600~900 range throwing knive weapon :blush:3.) Main Hand Pistol, pistol / pistol pew pew well cant imagine something cool with it. but it would fit the mesmer

Please no unicorn shortbow :cold_sweat:

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After all the cries for a flat damage elite spec for mesmer, that's probably what we get next. Mirage has been kind of a top down design. Starting with a flavour concept and from that point working down to the mechanics. Next time we will probably get a bottom up design. Starting with the mechanics (flat damage) and from that point assembling a flavour that explains the mechanics. The developer team does not seem to try and fill in the gaps of what class gets how many weapon skills and balance these numbers out among the classes. If they did, I'd say next we get our first 2H elite weapon, a mid-range hammer that specializes on flat damage and interrupts synergizing with the domination spec line. But what I actually think they will do is main hand pistol. this way mesmers get into far range combat again after mirage, have a weapon that is less martial and still get their flat damage spec.

EDIT: Or just straight up Rifle

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I hadn't previously seriously considered bows, but by Lyssa, Mesmer needs to get shortbow just for the effects it will have on legendaries. Having unicorns or tigers flying around everywhere is just SO mesmer.

@Gambit.9501 said:

@OriOri.8724 said:I'd rather see a 2H weapon, because I think that a shortbow mesmer would be pretty kitten fun to use.

I personally think that Mesmer would be much better off
-speaking with a Longbow instead of a Shortbow. Like, I know Mes already has two long-range weps in Staff & GS, and only 1 mid-range in Scepter, but i've always felt like Shortbow was always meant to be a weapon meant for down-and-dirty "skirmishers" characters, whereas Longbow seemed like it fits Mesmer's more "high status", "grandiose" or "flashy" character themes.

I see where you're coming from, but I'm actually inclined to go the other way.

Longbows are traditionally a fairly static "I'm going to shoot you from afar" weapon, relying on hindering enemy movement or outright pushing them back in order to maintain distance. Shortbows, on the other hand, are more of a highly mobile skirmishing weapon, evading the enemy and striking from unexpected directions. A high mobility style of this type would, I think, be more fitting for the mesmer, particularly since the mesmer greatsword already has a similar playstyle to existing longbows.

@Harry Foud.1935 said:That would be amazing and I've been thinking about that concept for a while but tbh I dont see that happening. Maybe when they're oute of weapons but that means years of expansions. As a matter of fact I wouldnt like to see every class use every weapon. I cant imagine a thief or a war with a scepter or a focus. It makes no sense. I'd like to see them add new weapons like Greataxes or Crossbow.

Actually, I could see thief with scepter and/or focus (especially focus) quite easily. Thief already dabbles in 'shadow magic' (which seems to essentially be a crude but specialised relative of mesmer magic), and an elite spec with caster weapons would represent a thief who truly masters this branch of magic rather than simply dabbling. The GW1 assassin had some aspects of this (you could build assassin skillbars based around offensive spells - they generally weren't the most effective, but you could do it), but I could see it.

Similarly, a warrior elite spec that is themed as warrior picking up a bit of magic would could justify a focus offhand. We've already got what is effectively a fire-oriented Warrior/Ele and a Warrior/Mes - one could imagine a Warrior/Nec themed elite specialisation with Plague Touch coming from an offhand focus...

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I'm not so fond of bows on mesmer, but shortbow is just a big NOPE. I hate The Dreamer and think it's the ugliest legendary weapon.

I'd like to see mainhand focus (double Anomalies ftw. :wink: ) and, funnily enough, a hammer (maybe as a mid/long range weap that bases on knock downs?)

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@bart.3687 said:I'm not so fond of bows on mesmer, but shortbow is just a big NOPE. I hate The Dreamer and think it's the ugliest legendary weapon.

I'd like to see mainhand focus (double Anomalies ftw. :wink: ) and, funnily enough, a hammer (maybe as a mid/long range weap that bases on knock downs?)

You can always go with Chuka.

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@Refia Montes.3205 said:

@bart.3687 said:I'm not so fond of bows on mesmer, but shortbow is just a big NOPE. I hate The Dreamer and think it's the ugliest legendary weapon.

I'd like to see mainhand focus (double Anomalies ftw. :wink: ) and, funnily enough, a hammer (maybe as a mid/long range weap that bases on knock downs?)

You can always go with Chuka.

Or not use a legendary (skin) at all. I know there are some cases in the game where I'm not fond of the legendary replacing the base projectile.

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@Miroe.2054 said:After all the cries for a flat damage elite spec for mesmer, that's probably what we get next. Mirage has been kind of a top down design. Starting with a flavour concept and from that point working down to the mechanics. Next time we will probably get a bottom up design. Starting with the mechanics (flat damage) and from that point assembling a flavour that explains the mechanics. The developer team does not seem to try and fill in the gaps of what class gets how many weapon skills and balance these numbers out among the classes. If they did, I'd say next we get our first 2H elite weapon, a mid-range hammer that specializes on flat damage and interrupts synergizing with the domination spec line. But what I actually think they will do is main hand pistol. this way mesmers get into far range combat again after mirage, have a weapon that is less martial and still get their flat damage spec.

EDIT: Or just straight up Rifle

Mirage was supposed to be our DPS spec, so yea good luck getting a better one than this. Its a mediocre DPS spec, and yet it still offers nothing else to us, at all. Pistol is also midrange FYI

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I recordnized a long time ago that our Pistol offhand has a skil with a 1200 range....but i think when we get it mainhand the mainhand will just have a range from 900... also sword offhand has a skill with a 1200 range ( i think it was the phantasm)....i really wish we could throw a little sword with skill 3 (and when it hits it creates a clone) instead of what we have now, i never really use skill 3 because it fails half of the time (when i am in range, i know that with the red line under the skill)... it fails mostly because the ground is a little bit uneven...also since we have such a mobility with axe i wish we could move with sword 2 and have a little faster attack speed with sword 1.....dmg is perfect...

But yeah, since we are called duelist class i think MH Pistol or Rifle would be cool as next weapon. (Well or Both-Hand Daggers with a Range from 600 - 900, or when they go crazy a range from 1200....) Also i read somewhere something about that the next elite could be about dreams / nightmares...would be cool.

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