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@Xenon.4537 said:

@KrHome.1920 said:CC hardcounters bunker necro and everyone knows that.

Don't play bunker necro if you don't want to be the punching bag.

You are welcome.

Yeah I'm coming to this realization. Gonna try a different class.

necro is actually a smart ppl class. you dont just run in the open, u juke with good kiting, nonport spots, and good use of your own ports

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I think a lot of new players are suffering through a similar experience.Though - and especially for necro - it mostly comes down to good positioning.

Try to avoid running arms-open into the entire enemy team....cause then exactly that will happen.And since, as you correctly pointed out, necro has "limited" defenses and suffers especially at the start of the match due to not yet built up LF, it is even easier to punish a out-of-position necro.

Just some pointers (instead of the usual "git gud"-comment this forum has devolved into):

  • Do NOT run into the entire enemy team if it can be helped
  • Place your wurm before a fight; preferably on a location the enemy team can't easily follow you if they start focusing you (behind LoS, ON TOP of ledges etc.etc.)
  • Despite popular believe, "FIghT oN NoDe!!!111!!" is not the optimal strategy if said node is covered in a bazillion AoEs
  • Which means, that it is absolutely okay to step off a node if it prevents you from dying
  • It is okay to disengage fights you are outnumbered on (like when you lost 1-2 players in a teamfight already....just try to leave, or meet a similar fate)
  • Prioritize winning a fight over capping a node if said fight is in your general vicinity (otherwise you will be the one left to do deal with the enemies after your team died)

Obviously, as a disclaimer: Im a terribly biased Weaver player so take everything I say with a grain of salt (and remember to "REEEEEEE" at any weaver player you see in a match).

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