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Can you consume more than one pet treat a day without getting the xp?

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Well, the title is pretty self explanatory.Basically, I just received my second Raptor treat minutes after recieving and consuming the first one, and I am wondering :Would the game let me consume it but not give me the xp? Obviously not gonna try cause it wouldn't surprise me if it did, and I do want it hahah.Anyone around here had the experience before?And what about consuming a treat for each different pet in one day? would that give you 5 chunks?Thanks in advance.

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@"Seonidas.9756" said:Well, the title is pretty self explanatory.Basically, I just received my second Raptor treat minutes after recieving and consuming the first one, and I am wondering :Would the game let me consume it but not give me the xp? Obviously not gonna try cause it wouldn't surprise me if it did, and I do want it hahah.Anyone around here had the experience before?And what about consuming a treat for each different pet in one day? would that give you 5 chunks?Thanks in advance.



Multiple copies can be used in a single day, but only the first used in that day will award experience.Provides 31,800 Experience.png towards the Skimmer Mount mastery when consumed.Players unable to use this will receive the message "You must be on a skimmer, out of combat, and have not recently consumed a skimmer treat to use this treat".

In short: you only get rewarded 31 800 Experience points when you consume that item on that mount that it is intended for and while mounted once a day. You can see on item for which mount it is meant before you consume it.

EDIT:If you already have maxed out Mastery line that is related to that mount, you will probably not gain anything from consuming more of that mounts treat. It is more a motivation to go through the steps for achievement, then to boost your Mastery in general. In most cases you gain more from doing events, hearts and also this achievement task then consuming these small increase in XP gain as reward item, I have not used more then one or two and my Jackal, Springer, Skimmer and Raptor have full Mastery line (what took more time is collecting those Mastery points).

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