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Wvw Staff Weaver "Skill Combo"


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Weaver is terrible in WvW and PvP because it doesn't allow you to react fast enough to any situation before you're blown up, unless you build full tank, in which case you're not dealing any damage. Let it rot in PvE

I tested quite a few different combinations with specialisations and utility skills. It doesn't offer anything good except some small shields that scourge already offers in far greater numbers. Your condi cleansing is also almost non-existent, which makes it a completely useless specialisation for WvW. Higher potential DPS output, yes, but DPS isn't important in WvW, but rather, burst damage is (which, counter intuitively, we use condition builds for that. Thanks ANet). You are not doing any burst damage on a staff build. You're not even taking advantage of what makes staff strong.

Go back to the drawing board. I'd like to see what you come up with next with the criticisms in this thread. New builds are always welcome, but they need to be realistically viable in the current WvW meta. Maybe after condi gets nerfed into the ground, your build might become viable in niche situations, but until then, not good.

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The problem with DPS staff in general and it has nothing to do with with weaver but you run into the problem of CoR's / Spellbreakers / Soulbeasts basically 1 hit/combo'ing you since you are most likely full marauder with a bit of zerk otherwise the build loses too much damage to be considered worthwhile to run. Sorry I'm not trying to be negative towards it as I used to play full zerk ele back in 2014 to early 2015 when it was actually really strong to run but staff runs into a lot of other problems to.

  • Unable to deal effectively towards reflect/destroy projectiles (Guardian Wall of Reflect/Spellbreaker Winds)
  • Able to get bursted from 100-0 from multiple sources
  • Has trouble with retal at times if you are facing a coordinated guild group that actually keeps good boon uptime
  • Power Rev Hammer basically outperforms Elementalist in "safe" damage since CoR burst is what is needed in WvW while still offering a lot of boons to the fight.
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