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[NA || PvX || TC] Remnants of Hope [RoH]

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Commander, a word…


The Essentials.

What we offer as a Community:

  1. A friendly, helpful and inclusive environment.
  2. Active, engaged forums, allowing members to meet people across divisions.
  3. Discord Voice and Text Chat Server.
  4. Freedom to play other divisions and casual games the way you want.
  5. Structured leadership, with officers for each department: PvE, PvP/WvW, RP, Crafting, and Recruitment.
  6. Multiple Games, One Community

What we offer for GW2:

  1. PvE events including (but not limited to) HP and WBs trains, PvE grab bags, fractals (beginning and beyond), jumping puzzles and a team focused on training new raiders!
  2. sPvP events for all experience ranges run by our Mist Officer and his team.
  3. WvW Havoc groups on the Tarnished Coast server.
  4. RP events following our rag-tag group of Remnants Mercenaries.
  5. Themed Holiday events and contests like our Valentine's screenshot challenge
  6. Fully equipped Guild Hall decorated and maintained by our Hall Department
  7. A Crafting Department who offer guidance and help in all things crafty.

What we value in our members:

InclusiveFriendlyMatureRespectfulPositiveTeam PlayersWillingness to help

What Else Would you Like to Know?

About Us

Remnants of Hope (RoH) was founded in the galaxies far, far away on June 7th, 2009. Since it’s evolved into a multi-game community with divisions in ESO, SWTOR, GW2, and WoW. We've grown into a phenomenal community built around positive, inclusive gameplay.

Our GW2 division has an active core group of members with all experience ranges including veterans ready to help. We’re a Tarnished Coast Guild for WvW but there are no restrictions for our other guild activities. As long as you are on NA you should have no issues attending events with other guildies. We welcome all!

We offer members all aspects of game-play such as events in PvE, PvP, WvW, RP, and Crafting experts willing to answer all questions you may have. Our forums are open for all divisions to actively post and build friendships. Along with that we host an active Discord server, where we chat and participate in events via VOIP.

We’re not your average guild. With our community first mindset, we strive to make members feel welcome and like part of the family. But if that isn’t enough to get you to click on our link, I have a question for you!

Do you enjoy…


The RoH Crafting/Guild Hall department provides a variety of services to our members! Through the guild bank we offer a variety of useful items, like consumables and siege, as well as fun goodies like dyes and minis. We also provide agony infusions to those trying to up their fractal game and crafted gear and bags upon request, all free of charge! The Guild Hall is decorated for RP and fully upgraded.

The Crafting Krewe is incredibly knowledgeable about all things crafting and offers assistance detangling anything folks find confusing, providing both one on one help and guides for different areas of crafting that give people particular trouble.


RoH’s GW2 PvE offers a wide range of activities for you to partake in! We have beginner friendly events scheduled nearly every day that range from Guild Missions to Training Raids. Our goal is to keep PvE open to every skill level and inclusive. Each event is led by a PvE Assistant who has extensive knowledge in that area of PvE. RoH GW2’s main focus is to be open to all and to get everybody in on the fun on PvE in GW2!

PvP / WvW

Throughout the week we have several WvW events led by our Mist Commanders on the Tarnished Coast server. We run consistent Reset Nights (welcome to beginners wanting to learn the exciting game type). Along with this, RoH is looking to build up a 15-20 man comp group with no 'elitist' mindset. We look for fights whenever we can, preferring mid-sized (15vX/20vX) skirmishes. Everyone is geared evenly to a certain extent, the players with more and better gear are the players who put more time into it. We also host unofficial roam groups and other events throughout the week. Come have fun learning a new or well known game style!


We in the RP department would like to invite you to hop in-game with us every other Sunday night at 6pm EST for our bi-weekly in-game RP events! Join our recently re-established in-character company, on their adventures in dealing with dangerous missions and other sorts of uncanny mischief! New to RP? Not a problem, we'd be more than happy to help you get started. Our RP section on the forums is undergoing a bit of reconstruction but we reorganized soon to follow with room for character bios, event recaps, and even forum RP! In the meantime, we'd love to see you in-game soon! If you have any questions please feel swing by the RoH Forums and send us a mail!

GW2 Gameplay

Our community wants you to play the way you’d like to! We host guild events almost every day of the week that we encourage but don’t require members to attend. There are many different ways to play Guild Wars 2 and we understand this. Some may be itching to dive head first into end-game content while others enjoy the process of leveling their characters. We simply want every fractal champion, lore master, raider, craftsmen, or explorer to find a safe space for them to play their own way.

Non GW2 Activities

Guild Wars 2 is not the only game we enjoy playing as a group! Along with the other divisions in our community (ESO, SWTOR, and WoW) we host many different interests groups. We gather together for community meetings followed by a hosted guild movie-night, Karaoke, and other games we can play as a group. We just want to be together and have some fun!

So tell me….Are you ready to join the family?

Visit us at [remnantsofhope.com] (http://www.remnantsofhope.com) to apply!

Because our community is awesome, we do have an application and trial membership process. It allows you to get to know us and gives members a chance to meet you! Kind of like a handshake, we take the process very seriously. You can tell a lot from the way someone shakes your hand so be thorough when you fill it out. If you'd like more information please feel free to contact our Recruitment Officer (Merredith.7361 in-game, or Merredith on the RoH forums)!

We HOPE to see you soon!

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Im still pretty new to RoH and GW2 and i honestly believe being in RoH has made my GW2 experience so much more enjoyable. I applied to RoH when i barely knew anything about the game and have learned so much form them just over the last month and a half. Their leadership is unlike any iv seen in a MMO community, they put the members first and never turn someone away when they ask questions. If you are looking for an active, friendly guild with lots of fun events to participate in definitely give RoH a look! (Dont be intimidated by the trail process because its actually alot of fun and really helps getting you involved into the guilds events and gives you a chance to meet everyone fairly quickly.)


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Wednesday Guild Missions were a blast last week on 5/6. We had an awesome turnout for them with full and trial members coming together to hunt bounties, turn into critters for races, jump into cuddle puddles, and complete a puzzle! We ended it all with an awesome group photo in our guild hall. Overall 10 out of 10, would attend again review from those who went.


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So I started with RoH about 3 years ago playing World of Warcraft. As Dexstar.1425 said the Trial process seemed intimidating. Unbeknownst to the RoH recruitment team I had filled out the application for membership from a hospital cafeteria. I didn't know it then but my father would die of leukemia a few days later. Members of RoH were there for me, someone they didn't even know, with words of encouragement. Word got around a bit and people messaged me telling me to stay strong and offering hope. It was really amazing. Even though it was just a bunch of internet strangers (at that point) every word of every message helped. It's hard to articulate how it felt at the time.

In the 3 years I have played in almost every division of RoH and just landed on Guild Wars 2 a couple of weeks ago. I was messaged by one of those people who helped me through loss years before. Everything in the game seemed complex and intimidating. I had many many stupid questions. RoH was there to give me answers and, because no good deed goes unpunished, those answers prompted me to think up MORE complex stupid questions - which they also answered. I have done a bunch of events WAY outside the scope of what I thought possible.

I cannot recommend RoH enough. Hope to see you in game.

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Remnants of [HOPE] would like to congratulate all the new members we got in April!

  • mattbail
  • EmmetOtter
  • Weaver
  • Darklord Acidburn
  • Arcader Zero
  • seamexican
  • Pixi-Spit
  • Lim
  • astral_falcon
  • battleshield
  • Dexstar
  • Godric
  • Raina Shadowblade
  • cmoore2001
  • Sttuoc
  • LuLoNar
  • Zeironde
  • Flowerbud
  • Obran
  • Vega Genesis
  • curedreamless
  • Noxii
  • KnightNight
  • Torkk
  • Potototo
  • Cid
  • Siyanlis
  • Evan
  • PogueEthics
  • Rapscallion273
  • Gruder
  • Xannidel
  • Stormcrow

We're very glad to have you joining us as part of our family!

AND we'd like to welcome all of our newest trial members!

  • Mythril
  • Nayesh
  • Umbercrow
  • Notelek
  • Nashen
  • Nvy
  • Mike
  • Shadowbinder
  • Sage Roze
  • Sciver

Thank you for giving RoH a shot! We hope you find a home here with us.

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Some running around the AC area on 5/4/2020 may have noticed a peculiar bunch gathering outside the dungeon. Fear not, that was only us as we prepped for our naked dungeon race! The first of an awesome week planned by our amazing Crafting and Guild Hall department for their fundraiser, the naked races were a huge success. Chilly but lots of fun.LnGVPA1.jpg?1

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Coming up tomorrow 5/19 on the RoH events calendar:

8pm EST GW2 Living Story: Join the group to walk through the entire GW2 Living Story! We will be running through each mission and watching all cut scenes. There will also be times where we will try and get the achievement.930pm EST Are you interested in getting into some AWESOME sPvP action? Come join us in the Department of the Mists as we delve into the arenas for a piece of the action! Every Tuesday at 9:30 EST!

These events are so much fun. I learn a lot every time I am able to attend them. If you are new to sPVP, don't worry, everyone is patient and its a lot of fun and full of laughs.

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Happy Sunday to everyone, I hope it's been relaxing for most!I want to stop by to give a big shout out to our newest full membersZergatronDenimjedi

And a very warm welcome to our newest trial membersLuckgodRioaken

RoH is very happy to have you all with us!

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For anyone looking for an active, friendly guild head on over to the RoH website and give it a look! If you are looking for a guild with not only diverse members but diverse events definitely take a closer look! We are always looking for new members to hang out with and have some GW2 fun.

Here's just a couple events happening this week:

  • Monday night fractals.
  • Wednesday guild missions, always a fun, relaxing time.
  • Friday night WvW reset havocs.
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