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New Mesmer spec

Harry Foud.1935

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Elite name: Duplicator

Class: Mesmer

F changes: Now you can summon 5 clones.

Weapon: Warhorn (Gjallarhorn)

Weapon skills:Wraped Shout : You and all of your illusions and phantasms gain boons (superspeed, fury, might, retaliation) for a period of time.

Army of Replicas : Blowing your warhorn summons 5 illusions with fury to attack your opponent. Army of Replicas will also replace your active illusions with new ones causing the old ones to shatter at their locations damaging opponents.

Warhorn also amplifies your skill 3 depending the weapon you have on main hand.Sword: Now spawns 2 clones to your target. Pressing it again will make you swap positions with your clone immobilizing your opponent (holds 2 charges, once for every clone spawned).Scepter: Confusing Images now channel 2 extra beams. The 2 extra beams will target different enemies. If there are 2 enemies, then 2 beams will target the main foe and the third will target the other one. If there is only 1 enemy then all of them will target him.

ElitePortals of Doom: 3 portals open around your target. 2 hallucinations come out from the 2 portals on the side attacking your foe while dazing him. Then from the middle one, a stronger hallucination critically attacks your target while transfering health from your opponent to you. The hallucinations have the appearance of your foe and dont take damage.

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@FaboBabo.3581 said:Army of Replicas : Blowing your warhorn summons 5 illusions with fury to attack your opponent. Army of Replicas will also replace your active illusions with new ones causing the old ones to shatter at their locations damaging opponents.

Cooldown 300 sec ? :D

Come on mate :P I though it was nice hahaCooldown 10 sec haha

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@Harry Foud.1935 said:

@FaboBabo.3581 said:Army of Replicas : Blowing your warhorn summons 5 illusions with fury to attack your opponent. Army of Replicas will also replace your active illusions with new ones causing the old ones to shatter at their locations damaging opponents.

Cooldown 300 sec ? :D

Come on mate :P I though it was nice hahaCooldown 10 sec haha

I honestly can't tell if you're being serious or not.

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@OriOri.8724 said:

@FaboBabo.3581 said:Army of Replicas : Blowing your warhorn summons 5 illusions with fury to attack your opponent. Army of Replicas will also replace your active illusions with new ones causing the old ones to shatter at their locations damaging opponents.

Cooldown 300 sec ? :D

Come on mate :P I though it was nice hahaCooldown 10 sec haha

I honestly can't tell if you're being serious or not.

I'm joking dude chill

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@OriOri.8724 said:This sounds ridiculously overpowered honestly. Imagine a 6 illusion shatter, or 5 pDuelists/Berserkers going off on an enemy.

Great tbh, shatter might finally be an actual mechanic instead of something you do to interrupt the boss then curse at having to resummon Phantasms every second time you do that :open_mouth:

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@Carighan.6758 said:

@OriOri.8724 said:This sounds ridiculously overpowered honestly. Imagine a 6 illusion shatter, or 5 pDuelists/Berserkers going off on an enemy.

Great tbh, shatter might finally be an actual mechanic instead of something you do to interrupt the boss then curse at having to resummon Phantasms every second time you do that :open_mouth:

Pvp and wvw exist which would be the problem.

Tbh if u run a more Casual playstyle without max dmg numbers of course u can play a confusion shatter build in pve, which is a lot of fun , due to its very fast ramp up ( 1-2 seconds). Problems are ; its more of a spike damage. It still cant compete with 3 Phantasms.

This means , use it on a ) fast dying bosses, b) mutiple phase bosses.

Build illusions, duelling, mirage.Deceptive evasion + self deception +IH - axe 2 , jaunt , dodge ( third Clone + Ambush) , axe 3 - F(x) , repeat.30- 40 stacks confu

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@Carighan.6758 said:

@OriOri.8724 said:This sounds ridiculously overpowered honestly. Imagine a 6 illusion shatter, or 5 pDuelists/Berserkers going off on an enemy.

Great tbh, shatter might finally be an actual mechanic instead of something you do to interrupt the boss then curse at having to resummon Phantasms every second time you do that :open_mouth:

With traditional distortion scaling that would be a 6 second distortion. Or look at shatter traits. To remain balanced, RI would receive another round of nerfs most likely. Or MtD and IR, an extra 2 stacks of torment and confusion on each shatter, on top of MW and CoF already dealing increased damage/condi stacks

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For a new Mesmer spec an idea popped in my head after reading several ideas from other players (so you may see some concepts similar to their's.)

Name: (can't decide on which I prefer the most. Let me know which name you like).

  • Dream Walker.
  • Dream Reaper.
  • Mind Walker.
  • Mind Reaper.

Weapon (2 variations)

  • Dual daggers (main hand + off hand). This weapon type will actually be long range/ mid range, a whip like tether is attached to each ( think of twin scythes).
  • Main hand pistol.

Concept: (work in progress) The idea is the you torment/ terrorize the other play by using hallucinations. All clones, illusions, and phantasms are now hallucinations that can be targeted as well as attacked at any time but will not take ANY damage until you have been successfully CC (stuned/ dazed, note that immobilized and other CCs of this type do not count), then the hallucinations can take damage for a given time period, 5 seconds maybe? On top of this some of the new F abilities will also pop this damage window on your hallucinations! The other aspect of this is a lot of reappearing and disappearing on your end, via skills that allow you to port/ swap places with your hallucinations or your opponent distorting them/ confusing them as well as granting stealth.New F abilities!

  • Instead of being able to control 3 illusions you can now control 4 (maybe 5), and they're now hallucinations.
  • 5 F abilities (note not all of them will destroy your hallucinations)!
    1. Trigger your active hallucinations to apply confusion and torment on your target for 10 seconds, at the end your hallucinations can take damage for 5 seconds.
    2. Swap places with your hallucinations, 3 cast?
    3. send 2 conditions on you to each hallucination, this also triggers the damage window on your hallucinations. (so 2 different condition go out to each hallucination, so if you have 6 different conditions on you and 3 hallucinations currently active all 6 will go out to the 3 hallucinations.
    4. Have your hallucinations send 2 conditions on them to your opponent and steal 1 boon from your opponent. Damage window is up for 8 seconds.
    5. Your hallucinations chase after your target shattering and stunning them for 0.25 seconds for each hallucination shattered.

For now this is all I have, I feel the 5 abilities can still use some work, if you have any ideas/ changes to add please do so!

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@Jojo.6590 said:For a new Mesmer spec an idea popped in my head after reading several ideas from other players (so you may see some concepts similar to their's.)

Name: (can't decide on which I prefer the most. Let me know which name you like).

  • Dream Walker.
  • Dream Reaper.
  • Mind Walker.
  • Mind Reaper.

Weapon (2 variations)

  • Dual daggers (main hand + off hand). This weapon type will actually be long range/ mid range, a whip like tether is attached to each ( think of twin scythes).
  • Main hand pistol.

Concept: (work in progress) The idea is the you torment/ terrorize the other play by using hallucinations. All clones, illusions, and phantasms are now hallucinations that can be targeted as well as attacked at any time but will not take ANY damage until you have been successfully CC (stuned/ dazed, note that immobilized and other CCs of this type do not count), then the hallucinations can take damage for a given time period, 5 seconds maybe? On top of this some of the new F abilities will also pop this damage window on your hallucinations! The other aspect of this is a lot of reappearing and disappearing on your end, via skills that allow you to port/ swap places with your hallucinations or your opponent distorting them/ confusing them as well as granting stealth.New F abilities!

  • Instead of being able to control 3 illusions you can now control 4 (maybe 5), and they're now hallucinations.
  • 5 F abilities (note not all of them will destroy your hallucinations)!
    1. Trigger your active hallucinations to apply confusion and torment on your target for 10 seconds, at the end your hallucinations can take damage for 5 seconds.
    2. Swap places with your hallucinations, 3 cast?
    3. send 2 conditions on you to each hallucination, this also triggers the damage window on your hallucinations. (so 2 different condition go out to each hallucination, so if you have 6 different conditions on you and 3 hallucinations currently active all 6 will go out to the 3 hallucinations.
    4. Have your hallucinations send 2 conditions on them to your opponent and steal 1 boon from your opponent. Damage window is up for 8 seconds.
    5. Your hallucinations chase after your target shattering and stunning them for 0.25 seconds for each hallucination shattered.

For now this is all I have, I feel the 5 abilities can still use some work, if you have any ideas/ changes to add please do so!

Seems pretty cool, but I don't really fancy dual daggers nor main hand pistol. Those F skills tho... I want them, lol. I'm a little bored with shatters. :smirk:

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