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Soulbeast or Druid?


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@Dragon.4782 said:I am going to make a female norn ranger that is a dps/support but I am not sure which is better at it: a Druid with GS and staff, or soulbeast and D/D and SB (support being through stances and pet melding). What are your inputs and/or thoughts?

Druid but it wouldnt be with GS. The new trend seems to be Harrier gear with Sword/Wh and Staff, but I'm sure there is still a place for Condi Druids as well.

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As mentioned above, context would be nice :)World Bosses?Messing around in PvE?Raids?Fractals?Dungeons (some still do it, shh)PvP?WvW?

What is your idea of support?Keeping people alive with some DPS boost?Condi with buff sharing?

Just going purely off of intentions, i would imagine you would want druid... maybe a condi druid variation.

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