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EU - Raid Guild LFM low LI members


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Hello Friends!

Rotate Harder [rH] is a static raid guild that is looking to add a few members to the roster.

What we are:A guild formed from experienced GW2 players who are getting into raids late. When we formed in May, no members – bar the leader – had over 25 LI. We are a tight knit group who have grown together, and built a team that has high synergy while being inclusive of some builds/strategies that are views as sub-optimal.

What we offer:

  • Two raid nights a week – Wednesdays (5pm GMT) and Sundays (5pm GMT).
  • 8+ Li per week. We currently kill VG, Gorseval, Sabatha, Sloth, Trio, Escort, Cairn, MO and Samarog every week. We are currently learning Deimos and KC, and expect kills on both very soon.
  • A raid team that arrives on time, ready to raid, conscious of everyone elses time.
  • A lively voice comms channel during raids. No raging/salt when things dont go well.-Space to grow, both as a raider, and a member of the team. We have patience as you catch up and learn the fights that you are uncomfortable on. The core team remains core as long as attendance and performance remain at acceptable levels. When core drop, rotation are moved up to core.

What we are looking for:We are looking to add just TWO new members to our roster, as core members. We are only looking for members with less than 100 LI, who are wanting to find a place to grow as a raider.You are expected to have done some homework on each boss. Guides are available online, and I have linked to several useful ones on our discord. Please be ready to fill your role.

What we need:1 Warrior main - filling a condi PS role1 DPS class main.Positions will be given on a first to apply, first in basis, assuming that applicants show competence in a conversation with leadership, and a dps golem test.

How to join:Respond to this forum post, or message us in-game. Fawx.9064/Niyah.6481Upon joining you will be given the Trial Raider rank. You will have this rank until you have been on a run with us on one of our raid nights.If your run with the guild is fairly successful, you will be moved to the Core/Rotation Raider rank.If that run goes poorly, we will give you some feedback on what needs improving, and leave you at the trial rank until you come on another run. Repeated failure at this point may result in removal.

We look forward to hearing from you soon. We are, unfortunately, only looking for another 2 members currently. I will update this thread once recruitment is closed, and also if it re-opens.

Happy hunting!Fawx

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  • 2 weeks later...

We are recruiting again!

What we need:1 Warrior main - filling a condi PS rolePositions will be given on a first to apply, first in basis, assuming that applicants show competence in a conversation with leadership, and a dps golem test.

How to join:Respond to this forum post, or message us in-game. Fawx.9064/Niyah.6481Upon joining you will be given the Trial Raider rank. You will have this rank until you have been on a run with us on one of our raid nights.If your run with the guild is fairly successful, you will be moved to the Core/Rotation Raider rank.If that run goes poorly, we will give you some feedback on what needs improving, and leave you at the trial rank until you come on another run. Repeated failure at this point may result in removal.

We look forward to hearing from you soon. We are, unfortunately, only looking for one more member currently. I will update this thread once recruitment is closed, and also if it re-opens.

Happy hunting!Fawx

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Please, I would like to join your guild! I'm veteran player, 20500 AP, 20-30 hours in Wing One, but I missed the raid train for the rest because I was finishing my Master's degree and started working. I have 16 LI and have several raid ready classes (heavy and medium). I'm friendly, patient, talkative. I have time during evenings.

Currently my guild roster is full, but I will leave one guild, in which I'm not active anymore. Hopefully you will choose me :)

All the best,Alisar

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We are recruiting again!

How to join:Respond to this forum post, or message us in-game. Fawx.9064/Niyah.6481Upon joining you will be given the Trial Raider rank. You will have this rank until you have been on a run with us on one of our raid nights.If your run with the guild is fairly successful, you will be moved to the Core/Rotation Raider rank.If that run goes poorly, we will give you some feedback on what needs improving, and leave you at the trial rank until you come on another run. Repeated failure at this point may result in removal.

We look forward to hearing from you soon. We are, unfortunately, only looking for one more member currently. I will update this thread once recruitment is closed, and also if it re-opens.

Happy hunting!Fawx

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Hi there Nathan!

I remember you as one of the people who joined when I founded the guild, and then left mysteriously after. Sorry that you left back then, you would have had way more than 40-odd LI by now, had you been with us from the start. :P

I'll try connect with you in-game soon, so we can have a chat. :)

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Hello Friends!

We are looking for new core members!

What we need:2 DPS class main.Positions will be given on a first to apply, first in basis, assuming that applicants show competence in a conversation with leadership, and a dps golem test.

How to join:Respond to this forum post, or message us in-game. Fawx.9064/Niyah.6481/Baseraver.7241/Nozdu.5971Upon joining you will be given the Trial Raider rank. You will have this rank until you have been on a run with us on one of our raid nights.If your run with the guild is fairly successful, you will be moved to the Core Raider rank.If that run goes poorly, we will give you some feedback on what needs improving, and leave you at the trial rank until you come on another run. Repeated failure at this point may result in removal.

We look forward to hearing from you soon. We are, unfortunately, only looking for another 2 members currently. I will update this thread once recruitment is closed, and also if it re-opens.

Happy hunting!Fawx

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  • 4 weeks later...


I'm a returning player with alot of raiding experience mostly in World of Warcraft and some in GW2 wings 1&2. Due to my busy IRL schedule I don't have that much time to game but the time I do have I want to dedicate it to a great guild/community in which I can grow and who can help me get back in the game. I have a condi soulbeast fully geared and gearing a weaver. Willing to respec and regear if needed, also willing to train any other of my characters to support the guild.

Message me in game if possible

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I started play gw2 after beta. Before gw2 i played WoW and done almost every raid before i leave wow.I had to give a break after hot realease. Now im back, i dont have any raid exprience with gw2 but i can adapt easly.Currenly i have every gw2 chars. My main is thief. Currenly playing condi ps warr and firebrand guard.I would join your guild if any spot left!

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