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Skimmer Feedback

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Hello. Just want to talk about my favorite mount in the game so far. The skimmer. I love this thing to death and has become my general purpose mount atleast until I get the gryphon. But I wanted to bring up one issue with the skimmer thats always breaking the flow.

I like to follow the water/quicksand wherever I go. But often there are short blocks of land interupting it. This slows down the skimmer and really hurts the pace and the feel of the ride. Even a small path of dirt is enough to slam on the breaks so to speak.

I was wondering if it was possible to maybe allow the skimmer to maintain its speed boost for a short time when crossing land? Or have it so that its speed doesn't decrease when it is "flying" I feel like this would be an amazing QOL change for the skimmer when someone is cruising. Being able to keep that speedboost going while following the waterways is alot of fun. I just want it to be a bit more consistent on more broken terrain.

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Hmm its possible you get a speed boost. But ive noticed myself slowing down even when using the special when crossing over land. Its part of what makes it so annoying for me is even if im way above it trying to bypass the slowdown it still hits me. One place to test this is at the skimmer ranch. It has patches of dry land in the center pond. You can use that to test for yourself .When you cross over land its like your skimmer hitches (almost like your changing gears on a car poorly).

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@Ohoni.6057 said:I think it really should just have the highest base ground speed at all times, with the trade-off that it can't jump/teleport even faster like the other mounts can.

But I think that's the entire point of the trade off. If skimmers had the highest land speed, why would you use the other mounts? Especially with regards to simply automoving so you're not even pressing down the movement key, skimmers, balance wise, need to move slower than the other mounts because otherwise you'd simply never use any of the other mounts.

I think it's too slow as it is right now to warrant it's use anywhere other than water/quicksand/etc. so it should move faster on land, but I don't think it should have the fastest land based speed of all mounts.

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Mmm. I wouldnt really argue for a faster land speed. Skimmer is already immune to many of the things that instantly despawn other mounts (traps for example).And the flow over land doesn't feel bad. Honestly my only issue with it is quite litteraly that one issue of tiny tracks of land less than a few feet apart causing your skimmer to act like it just stepped on a lego.

If it maintained its speed bonus for just a second over land for the sake of crossing those portions I think people would feel a pretty nice improvement with the skimmer.

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