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Soulbound on Acquire but it's not my specialization item


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HI. Most time play as thief, but have warrior to. Sometime ago i travel my warrior in PoF maps, and open his elite spec - spellbreaker. Also got new collection - The Cutting Edge.But, as i play as thief most time, i loot warrior item (Riddle of the Holosmith) from chest, and this item become Soulbound!!!

Why game dont check my class before give me this ring? Now i have absolutly trash item for my thief (i got 2 ring before when complete my thief collection) and my warrior have nothing...

Why item like Riddle of the Holosmith are not account-bound or souldound on use??? And why i can simple loot this stuff without any class_check?

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They are salvageable, but nothing good comes out of it. I run my main thief thru the maps a lot and have gotten almost all the riddle items for the different elite specs. I make sure they are counted for the specific collection they belong to, and then salvage them. I also did this in the HoT maps for the HoT elite specialization weapon collections.

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I was wondering if others would start asking about this. I nudged the bug forum a few hours ago.The part that strikes me as the most strange about it is that the gear is Soulbound on Acquire, instead of how it was during HoT, when it was Account Bound for trinkets and Soulbound on Equip for the weapons and armor.

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