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Thief infinite energy hack/bug

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For the past few days we see more and more of those thieves who have infinite energy. I mean reallly infinite, for example I saw hearthseeker all away across half the map, or repeater non stop for more than 2 min. I dont have video to prove it but I am pretty sure soon enough someone will come up with a video since its not a rare occurance anymore.

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@"MasterDeere.3417" said:For the past few days we see more and more of those thieves who have infinite energy. I mean reallly infinite, for example I saw hearthseeker all away across half the map, or repeater non stop for more than 2 min. I dont have video to prove it but I am pretty sure soon enough someone will come up with a video since its not a rare occurance anymore.

Why not first make a video before you post something like that? This post will only end in infinite discussion about theifs.

Just remember no-name policy from ANet, so edit it without any names visible at least at the one that use this inifinite energy (Initiative).

Here is a link about Initiative and how it works: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Initiative

Heartseeker uses 3 out of 12 Initiative points - it can be affected by quickness. Heartseeker have 3/4 sec activation time, meaning it should not be possible to use all initiative points in one go, but I haven't been playing on my thief for sometime, so somebody else have to confirm how this work.

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@ShadowCatz.8437 I was thinking about doing it, but it mean find a tool to record, do the editing etc, stuff I never did before. Also while I was thinking that there was a lot of complains in the map chat about this. I was not the only one who was freaking out. I was also aware that they were rules for the forum for this kind of stuff but didnt know the details of those rules. I therefore prefered to take no chances since I dont want to get banned. I just wanted the Devs to be aware and to keep an eye open. Its easier to find the problem and fix it when you are aware that a problem exist and have a little clue where to start looking.

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@MasterDeere.3417 said:@ShadowCatz.8437 I was thinking about doing it, but it mean find a tool to record, do the editing etc, stuff I never did before. Also while I was thinking that there was a lot of complains in the map chat about this. I was not the only one who was freaking out. I was also aware that they were rules for the forum for this kind of stuff but didnt know the details of those rules. I therefore prefered to take no chances since I dont want to get banned. I just wanted the Devs to be aware and to keep an eye open. Its easier to find the problem and fix it when you are aware that a problem exist and have a little clue where to start looking.

You can imagine how many reports are made on forum (not to forget in game reports) on suspected cheating or that something is going on that shouldn't happen. Without any precise data as for when, where, who and what devs can't really make much out of this kind of information that you have been given. They wont randomly start to look out for this to happen on players that play on Thief as a profession (and there is two more elites) when it is not even sure if it is only Heartseeker that have been used in this way.

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