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Anet doesnt care about PVP anymore


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Another update without any love shown for PVP other than the ability to gamble in the lobby. So much for smaller, more frequent updates; more like hey how can we give bots a chance to make more money while waiting in queue??

And the bots are out of control. Why can't Anet do anything about this? Let the teammates vote and give the player/bot a popup captcha or something.. I had the same bot on three separate maps. I report them all the time; several of us did. But they are never ending. It completely ruins the game, turns ranked PVP into a crap-shoot. You can have three other great players and one obvious bot and its beyond frustrating to watch the clearly obvious bot get kited off point, or follow the same predictable paths and routines, especially when a competent player can easily recognize and exploit that.

There's a lot of people that agree with me that Anet has largely ignored PVP and backed out on a lot of their promises to create a more dynamic experience, there's a lot of people that would defend Anet regardless. And typically I would be on that side, and be positive or just work more on my skill rather than complain about the game. (which I love)

But for me and many others I play with its just not as fun to play ranked PVP as it once was. And we play less, and less. I'm always optimistic, and maybe Anet is just working on major changes that require a much longer lead time, and will create a more fair and stable experience for players to enjoy and grow at all skill levels, and not worry about having players way below the expected skill level or not even real players at all. But until then I might do dailies once it a while and thats it.. Hope they step it up soon

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