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More combat tonics, please!

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Since the tengu styles in Cantha are so cool, it would be even more amazing if a tengu combat tonic could give random looks (from the existing models) like the choya or feline tonics. Or even one tonic each type, I wouldn't mind to work towards them or even get them from the gem store, at this point I'm desperate Q.Q

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On 3/2/2022 at 4:29 AM, Silvia.9130 said:

Since the tengu styles in Cantha are so cool, it would be even more amazing if a tengu combat tonic could give random looks (from the existing models) like the choya or feline tonics. Or even one tonic each type, I wouldn't mind to work towards them or even get them from the gem store, at this point I'm desperate Q.Q


Honestly it would be nice if they added like a whole system of endless combat tonics for all those other races people have wanted to play, preferabbly as a cash shop item, or if they insist on it being a challenge, they could have like special quest chains and puzzles to do to get em related to each one.


Obviously making a whole new playable race would have quite the hefty amount of work needed, from planning out the customization options, the home land region and where to put it, how it connects into the story and rest of the quests, refitting every single existing piece of armor as well as future ones to the new body, etc etc.


Endless combat tonics though, the mechanics already exist, just gather up all the existing model variants for each one, maybe do a little sprucing up and toss them into a randomizer tonic.

No timers either of course


And if they go the route of a cashshop item, they could have two kinds.
The cheapest option would be the basic randomize one, so it'd be something like Endless Skritt Tonic

But if people want to get a specific one they can pay a bit more for individual tonics like,

Endless Skritt Forager, Endless Skritt Sentry, Endless Skritt Bottle Lobber, etc etc.


The basic randomizer one could be like 300 gems, and then the individual ones could be 800 gems

Edited by Darn Hyena.8693
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