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Mirai's Halloween Contests

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Now that Halloween has official started, its time for my contests to begin as well. I have two contests, an in-game costume contest and a Halloween art contest.

# The Prizes

I'll be offering a choice between two prizes for both contests.

  1. A choice of any item(S) off the Gem Store up to 800 gems total (no gems to gold)
  2. November's Humble Monthly Bundle. You can view the guaranteed/early unlock now but will have to wait till November to see what else comes with it.

# Costume Contest Rules

In this contest you must make an costume using the armor in game (no outfits) to create a Halloween costume. It can be Halloween themed, or based on a character from a movie, game, anime, etc. Take a screenshot of your costume and share it here on the forums with a description of what your costume is about. You'll be judged solely on the costume; however, the background can make a better impression off your entry.

# Halloween Art Contest

I love to see the creativity of others so for this contest I want to see Guild Wars 2 Halloween themed art. It can be digital art, hand drawn, painted, a 20 ft. sculpture, etc. the choice is yours.The piece must be gw2 and Halloween themed. To enter for this just submit and image to this thread.

# Other Rules

  1. Everybody is eligible and encouraged to enter (even Arenanet Employees).
  2. If you don't want the prize but want to participate for the fun of it, just make mention of that in your entry and I will give the rewards to other entries.
  3. The Deadline is October 31. This is to give me time to judge and get contact info for the entries before the humble monthly bundle for November is over
    1. If you win but would like to see what December's humble bundle offers I am willing to send the reward after November's is released.

If the need arises, I may edit this post to clarify things

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I still dont know how to post images on this stupid new forum, but i can link it.

Since there is no rule of max. amout of cosplays or screenshots, and since i cant decide wich to choose, i post both:

1) Zaithan- cosplay (day and night)https://imgur.com/a/XoGjh

2) Elsa from Frozenhttps://imgur.com/a/S6Rwa

extras just for the view:(close shot)https://imgur.com/a/1zHDf(more extra shots because i like it :D)https://imgur.com/a/F4hyQ

color-armor of both:https://imgur.com/a/eRsXh


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Congratulations to the winners:

Art ContestAmbrosia

Costume ContestMidnightX for your Zhaitan entry

Let me know which prize you would like by November 2nd.

All the submissions where great and it was difficult to pick the winning entries. For those of you who didn't win, I plan to hold another contest next year, and possibly an wintersday contest (but I have decided yet).

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