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[NA] Looking for late night progression raid guild


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I'm a night owl and can't raid sooner than 9-10 pm PST, preferably 10, once a week. I'm looking for a guild I can raid with that focuses more on progression than training, I'm fine with learning bosses and mechanics, I just want a group that cares more about downing a boss and adjusting strategy if necessary over following an SC meta. I have a decent amount of experience with around 12 bosses downed on various training runs. I'm fairly skilled, but need a group that is more consistent and successful than training runs to progress further. I can only raid once a week, so one training run on a harder boss each week isn't giving me the practice I need to stay on top of my skills. I'd prefer not to be forced to rep, I feel attached to TIME even though most of their US player base is gone these days. I'm on call every few months for 2 weeks, so either I need to sit out those nights or you guys are okay with me dropping mid raid if I get a call.

Here are the builds I have available:Ele-> heal Tempest staff or X/horn where X is dagger or scepterPower DPS tempest -> Have a decent gear set for this, am a little rusty on rotationPower weaverMesmer -> Chrono: Boon support -> Almost full diviner's with up to 90% BD, alternatively, a givers/diviners hybrid for chrono tank with around 80% BDChrono -> Power DPSMirage -> Condi DPSRanger -> Druid heals

I could probably bring another build online fairly quickly-> I have over 8 selectable stat exotic armor banked in warlord's boxes. I have 7 classes -> Engi, Mesmer, Guardian, Elementalist, Necro, Ranger, Revenant

I'm fairly flexible, I just want to kill the boss without the BS.

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