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Revenant can't manage energy/legends during OoW quest 'A Tangle of Weeds'

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I've seen one archived post about this same issue from 2016.

This isn't as much a bug as it is an oversight, I'd say. Due to the way Revenant works, all utility slot skills have an energy cost in addition to any applicable recharge timers. When you are forced to wield Caladbolg during the personal story (Sylvari - Order of Whispers) quest 'A Tangle of Weeds', as a revenant, you lose access to your legend swapping skills and energy management. In addition to this, your energy bar doesn't replenish over time, even when you have no energy skills in use.

The quest is still possible, but it is considerably harder when the player's heal skill has, effectively, a hard limit on how many times it can be used during the instance. On top of this, any attributes that are reliant on energy management or legend swapping are moot, as a revenant in this particular quest obviously can't swap legends or handle their energy.

The archived post is here and it actually shows empty utility skills, indicating that something might have been done over the years to address the issue, somewhat. Regardless, I think that as it is, it still puts Revenants at an unfair disadvantage, of the likes that less familiar players probably haven't experienced up to this point. I think Revenants should retain access to at least legend swapping, as both that (especially that*) and energy management are integral to the class, regardless of specification, and they seem notably more important to it than, say, an engineer's toolbelt skills are to an engineer.

*Swapping legends grants a new, 50%-full energy bar, hence why energy management is less important than being able to swap legends.

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