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Thoughts and Opinions Welcome on this build I tested out! (With a rant too)


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Decided to play Mirage in PvP tonight. Been toying with condi in open world and thought with some tweaks, it could be decent in PvP.The idea I have for this build is to be a bit tanky but to pressure with condis. I ran it and I was pretty decent at taking, holding, and dueling. I did just start doing PvP again and I know I could be better. But thoughts are welcome! Thanks!



! Also, @ANet, the one dodge is bad. If you are going to take away mirage dodge, make mirrors better or get the daredevil back to two dodge only (another dodge heavy e-spec). Also, figure out what you want the mesmer to do and do it. ANet, you made Alacrity for the Chrono. Why does a renegade have better access to is? What is it do you want the mesmer to be in this game? Come up with a vision and stick with it.

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@Woltarion.6829 said:I had almost the same build at the begining of PoF, but why do you take avatar alumet ? I would have use something with more condi, such as Sage alumet or Wizard.

That's what I get for posting late at night instead of going to bed lol. I am running the wizard amulet. facepalms that's a my bad.Build with the amulet I'm wearinghttp://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiwAc+ZlRw4YJsLmJeKXvvSA-zZx8MyUF0rUwxDA

@Woltarion.6829 said:Oh and about your rant, you can give up, there are almost 4 post about one dodge mirage but this won't be revert

And I figured. I just wanted the therapy of ranting...sighs

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