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10 Daily Achievement points no longer adding to total

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Has anyone else noticed or experienced the fact that while you are told you have earned the daily achievement completionist title, the 10 points earned are not adding to the total achievement points earned. I notice this last Sunday, and have not been able to move off my total score of 26480 since then. I still earn the 2 gold per day and the other chest that goes with the achievement and it says on the right side of the screen 10 achievement points earned, but then it doesn't add to the total. I have flagged this bug 3 days in a row now, but have not seen any movement to fix, so I decided to post it on the forums to see if that would get some feed back.

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So, what your telling me is that 15,000 points out of my total 26480 are from dailies. Is this a lifetime cap or does it reset. Except for the 2 gold you earn doing dailies, which you can earn faster doing farming, why even continue to do dailies? I guess I answered my own question!

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