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Revenant needs an extra utility on each legend


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Revenant has the least amount of utilities of any class. This is an issue because some utilities aren't that useful such as Jalis's Taunt chain, which is extremely situational and just takes up a slot.

I think providing an extra utility will flavor builds up more, and potentially raise viability in legends such as Jalis.

Now that my idea is out, here are some of my personal suggestions on extra utilities that could be used. Note these are personal and are most likely not going to be considered by everyone.

Jalis: Stony Barrier--provides 2 seconds of group block (like Shield of Courage where the block isn't in the form of Aegis, but it isn't a shield but more of a stationary AoE); Earthen Boulder--hurl a boulder that knocks down foes, then dazes for 1 second and causes cripple/slow/vulnerability

Ventari: Blinding Redemption--emit a blast of light around the Tablet, blinding enemies and AoE healing per number of targets blinded; Speed of Light--release a sudden burst of light, granting boons to allies (Swiftness and Quickness)

Mallyx: Black Mirror--copy 3 conditions on yourself onto your foes; Terrifying Scream--inflict 3 seconds of fear in an AoE around you.

Shiro: Rifting Enhancements--Warp time around your weapon, inflicting five attacks with different ailments (first attack causes vulnerability, next causes slow, third causes cripple, fourth causes chill, fifth causes stun), the effect lasts for 5 seconds; Warp--teleport to a location and gain 2 seconds of Quickness (600 Range teleport).

Glint: Facet of Radiance--pulse 5 seconds of Retaliation every 3 seconds. -> Radiant Gleam--Emit a ray of light through an area, confusing enemies and blinding them (10 stacks of confusion); Facet of Lightning--pulse Vigor to allies. -> Surge of Lightning--Immobilize, weaken foes and gain a Shocking Aura, breaks stun.

Kalla: Charr Name #1 (add more Charr names to the warband/use other warband names)--Enhance attacks of allies to burn foes (1 second ICD per ally); Charr Name #2--enhance attacks of allies to rip boons from foes (1 second ICD per ally).

That sums up everything I have in mind for Revenant. Yes, some builds do work at the moment, but I think Revenant needs more flavor. Thoughts? Suggestions? Anything to add/change?

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to be honest ventari is kind of a spam heal in my power/support mode, and if im going to swift someone id use glint(i dont anymore). i dont use stoner or the emo because i dont tank(can be done with kalla when you have near 100% protection uptime, and 3k defense :p ), and i dont condi so mallyx is out :p .

theres little need for a second condi summon when we have 1 of everything else, and since they can be rekt, boon stripping might be unnecessary vs break bar destruction(darkrazor can handle many bars, and stops many a mordrem/frogs from killing everyone the way they do normally), and soulcleave is potentially the highest burst skill ingame if the right people keep multi hits at the ready(not sure if this is true but 5x 5+ hit skills at 400+ siphon is quite high to me).

i use something similar to this build for easier understanding(gear is pretty far off though): http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQJAssnXMvNSum7JRZzVlst5rSY3cWJ4beskFNlqdBCgI4vHPylctJiiqA-jhBFABIp8zm9HKU9nrUCmmeAAeAAAA-e

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I was a bit iffy when making Speed of Light, but I thought that it would be a nice extra touch because Ventari has the projectile reflect which isn't a heal. Revenant has no way of currently sharing Quickness so I thought that would be a cool way of doing it.

Also I thought that Speed of Light would help core Revenant builds. Besides Jalis's Stability road (lightning field) core Revenant has no way of sharing swiftness. Staff 4 and Mace 3 and Energy Expulsion are iirc the only blast finishers, and two of those won't be used by everybody. But I suppose Speed of Light could just be Quickness, for a burst in effectiveness.

I thought the Burning / Boonstrip would be nice touches, as Bleeding is more of a PvE thing while Burning would be more fast-paced -- a WvW/PvP enhancement. Boonstrip is also nice especially in WvW/PvP, but it also allows for ranged on-demand boonstripping which is amazing and can help for raid speedclears because of being able to boonstrip from ranged.

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I think core rev should remain as boonless class apart from the obvious ones like stab, fury, might and be sort of selfish in nature. We have Glint which focus hard on boons and support, Kalla which focus on support as well. Let core rev have unique effects like Rite, 25% move speed traits in adept devo etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Hooglese.4860 said:Also another off-hand weapon. Right now there are 3 total, and ones limited to Herald.

I've been thinking dagger because if you look at the page art to the left, the revenant is holding a god-kitten dagger in his left hand.

And i miss the old off hand sword, so maybe they could make a dagger with a block and a pull

Btw OP, I really like most of your ideas. I 've been trying to come up with suggestions myself and i think that thematically your suggestions are spot on

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I agree Rev needs more skills, but my preferred approach would be to revise the way the class works rather than just adding a new skill to each legend. I'd keep the current skills for each legend as-is, but then add a non-legend mode with about 10 new generic skills that can be customized on the bar. Then you could swap into and out of invocation mode with legends. You could then build a loadout that synergizes with whatever legend(s) you have equipped.

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