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Returning Player LF Guild


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Hey all, first of all, thank you for taking the time to read through my post. I look forward to hearing from anyone and potentially making new friends!As for what I am looking for, I am looking for a guild that I can grow with! I am by no means new to the MMO genre, but I am still relatively new to Guild Wars and all the small stuff that comes with that. I am interested in getting into raids and strikes and learning fractals and maybe playing those at a higher level one day!I am also interested in PvP and maybe getting into WvW, but those are two aspects of the game I havent done much of.

I am mostly active at night currently because of my job, I try to play most days but I would consider myself more of a casual these days, I cant afford to get into anything too serious at the moment in terms of a weekly raid team.

If you want to get in contact with me, the best way would probably be in game. My tag is "Kingrent.7365"

Thanks again! See you in Tyria!

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