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NPC welfare check: the Svanir shaman chief.

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Or "Maw", as he's commonly known. The guy who gets all discombobulated when people smash his Jormag totem. I'm a little worried about him, and not because he's gonna make me "face the wrath of Dragon".

A little less than a week ago I noticed that during his fight he's become more...vocal. Grunting. Snorting. Grunting some more. Moaning. He sounds like me when I get up in the morning. I mean, we all get old, and sometimes you have to finish things a little more slowly and with more effort. It happens.

I was joking about this to my guildmates earlier this week, but then last night another player commented on it so I'm not nuts (no more than usual). Who else has noticed this, and is it time to call AARP for Maw?

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