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Add a 6th slot (Team Backup) to PvP parties for Tournament


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There should be a 6th slot added to PvP parties that functions as a Backup slot for Auto Tournaments. The slot would automatically be filled by anyone added to the party after the core 5 players. The slot would function as a spectator during matches as long as all 5 core players were in the party. The player in the slot would only be allowed to actively participate in tournament matches when 1 of the core 5 players either leaves the party or is kicked from it. The purpose of this 6th slot would be to prevent people from being automatically kicked from a Tournament queue because someone on the team leaves or dc's.

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I would agree if this was the case of unranked or something, but anything along the lines of actual (kinda) competitive games/modes... not really. Its a nice add on to tournaments that the likes of Teapot and all would make as it allows a more fair circumstance should such a thing as disconnection or absence occur but for in game modes it just encourages more gold farming bots to appear. This would be a nice case for those aiming to try as a team and aim to win mAT or other tournaments but thats why scrims exist. Also if its filled by "anyone" this could then lead to terrible games after, say if it is a plat 2/3 lfg team and a gold player joins to fill... it would ruin the experience for the other 4. So I think there would be way more issues appearing than actual benefits.

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