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Is drakkar side bosses a result of scaling?

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we had a drakkar run today... at first we had less than 10 ppl and we were chipping away at drakkar's health.. and at 40% hp or so... more ppl joined the meta... then we killed our first side boss the oakheart... then at 20~30% hp, we killed the boneskinner sideboss... then we were expecting to meet the third boss fraenir looking guy.. but instead the meta never progressed to 3rd boss at all.. we defeated drakkar and the meta ended with all the loot and stuff... is this a bug? have anyone experienced this?


or the side bosses the result of scaling event?

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I have had this happen a few times, not often though, and I would say under similar circumstances.  I haven't done Drakkar in a few months as well so I think this situation has been around for a while, but it isn't really a bug unless you need the third side boss.

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