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[NA][Raid] Social Raid Guild Recruiting GW2/WOW/FFXIV Raiders for GW2 Raid Prog Teams


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The Expedition [XP] is a raid "cadre" guild of social North American raiders preparing for End of Dragons. Many of us have hardcore raiding backgrounds, either in Guild Wars, WoW: Shadowlands, or FFXIV: Shadowbringers. We recruit gamers who already have the "Raiding 101" ethos of patience and perseverance through progression raiding, and understand the important of personal practice and preparations before raid sessions.


We have two raid structures within [XP]. We have a new midcore static team working on PoF progression raids, and a casual-core roster of raiders who have busy RL schedules, other mmo/guild commitments, new to GW2 raiding, or need a slower pace of progression.


We do have a handful of non-raiders friends and S/Os, but we are not a full PvX-focused guild. We group when we can outside of raids, but everybody has their daily in-game routine and work/school/sleep schedules during off-raid times. We welcome non-raiding friends into the guild, but we just caveat that we do not currently host a slew of guild events outside of our raid sessions.


We are recruiting 2 midcore raiders and a handful of casual-core raiders. Group applications are encouraged, especially if you all fall in the different levels of raiding. We expect all raiders (experienced or new) to be geared in at least one Support build and two DPS builds (power and condi) to allow for team comp flexibility. Midcore raiders are expected to be experienced with their main class in full ascended or legendary armor. Casual-core raiders only need Exotic gear for a support build and a power build, and strive to work on all 3 sets, and we will train and focus on their builds/gear during our HoT training raids. All applicants will need to attend one of our next raid sessions to get to know you better and see you in action. Invited members will also be put on probationary membership before fully vetted.


Per usual, our guild does not condone harassment and is both LGBTQ+ and culturally friendly. A good portion of our core are diverse and we do joke around and tease each other out of friendship and fun; however, we encourage people to confront each other and speak up when they feel uncomfortable.


If you are interested in applying, please send me a message on these forums with more information about yourself, your raiding history, what you are looking for, and we will schedule a time to meet/raid with you. Please refrain from messaging me in-game as when I log in I typically have a lot of guild things I need to do (and also want to play the game, too). Unfortunately, the in-game mailbox doesn't have enough space to have multiple mail conversations back and forth for me to fully track each conversation.

Who are we recruiting:

"Midcore PoF Progression" Static Recruitment

- Fri/Sat, 10:30p EDT start time, 2.5-3 hour sessions
- 1 HoT wing reclear + 1 PoF wing training each night

Recruiting 2 spots. Priority needs:

  1. Backup Druid (for when Main Druid is out; otherwise, gets to BS or DPS)
  2. BS Warrior (power & condi)
  3. Omni-Mesmer (tank/boon/power/condi)


- North American, 21+ yrs old
- Raider Mentality: Practiced, studied, and prepared before raid
- Experienced: HoT Wings 1-4 on Reclear
- Geared: Full ascended/legendary support and DPS
- Class Mastery: Knows how to adjust builds for progression
- Camaraderie: Willing and patient enough to help newer/junior raiders
- Helpful: Willing to help Casual-Core raids when available
- Sociable: Active on Discord via text chat and voice/mic



"Casual-Core HoT Raid Training" Roster Recruitment

- Varies M-F, Start time varies around 6-8pm EDT, 1.5 hour sessions
- 1 HoT wing training each session


- North American, 21+ yrs old
- No GW2 Raid Experience Required
- Raider Mentality: Practiced, studied, and prepared before raid
- Main Class: Both elite specs unlocked with full Exotic gear or higher
- Raid Builds: Must have a Support* and a power DPS build in Exotics
- Camaraderie: Willing and patient enough to help slower-paced raiders
- Sociable: Active on Discord via text chat and voice/mic

*Support Roles:

- Heal Druid
- Banner Warrior
- Alacrity Renegade/Mesmer
- Quickness Firebrand/Scrapper/Chrono
- Tank (1150-1500 Toughness Mesmer, Guardian, or Healer)
- Solo Kiters


  • We welcome people who are in other guilds, other statics, or even other MMOs, but we expect you to stay active and socialize with our raid community at least on Discord. Even if you actively sub to other games, we expect you to come prepared and practiced before our raid sessions.

  • Hardcore GW2 players need to leave any "GW2 elitist/meta culture" at the door and must be able to adjust to [XP] progression methods and strategies. We’ve had plenty of "GW2 elitists" claiming to play any role flaunting their 100CM fractal titles, yet they cannot react or perform in a progression setting when forced to do old boss mechanics they are normally used to skipping or spamming stability.
  • We are NOT Snowcrows -- [XP] raid leadership style is rather relaxed and we adjust for teammates who are still learning. We still strive for effective builds and team comps and give honest criticism when mechanics are being failed. We focus on "mechanics first, DPS last" and a "slow is smooth, and smooth is fast" mentality for teaching raids. We expect members to learn and understand their builds, and not just copy-paste meta builds and press buttons.
Edited by Zigity.9685
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Hello. I am interested in joining. 🙂


I have only killed one raid boss to unlock the mastery, and then I never returned back to raids. I am an experienced player who has played since pre-launch, I have near 39K AP, I complete fractal CMs comfortably, I have multiple sets of ascended gear for all armor weights and weapons, I have multiple pieces of legendary gear and upgrades, and I have all specs unlocked for all professions except Guardian (I only have 8 character slots). I am also happy to run meta builds, speak and listen in discord, and read raid guides in preparation for each boss. In general, I'm the type of player to react to mechanics rather than relying on support to carry me.


Raids were not as attractive to me compared to collections and achievements in solo content or 5-man content because I felt overqualified for most training groups and casual pugs (which often disbanded or spent too many hours before accomplishing anything) yet underqualified for guild static groups because my playtime is too limited with irl obligations. With the news of the upcoming legendary armory, I am now looking to get into raids since it will be easier to swap around builds/roles across all my alts. There's also that carrot at the end of the stick of legendary armor and Coalescence. I am happy to be patient with groups that are coordinated, can learn from mistakes and adapt after wipes, and are fun and friendly on discord. This guild also seems perfect for the amount of time I can commit to raids.

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