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vexing issues in instanced content due to a lil bit high ping

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If you have a ping higher than 100 or 180, some instanced content are a lil bit vexing to do


  1. the soul orbs in dhuum encounter green mechanic passes through you
  2. If you try to collect orbs while running towards the color orbs in keep construct encounter, u wont get those orbs but you can avoid it by standing close to the keep construct and avoid running towards orbs and wait for the ping to sync with the orbs and other players' movement to determine if the orbs are eligible for you to collect
  3. the blue healing orbs in fractals and fractal cms fly through you when you run and jump to avoid agony orbs from touching you and try to collect blue orbs.. so vexing but the positive side is... sometimes the agony orbs don't hurt you even if u run thru them.. weird


and sometimes if you run in HoT area towards the pocket raptors and mount up on skyscale and fly high above ground before those raptors could touch you or bite you, u get damage from their bite after a second or two

even if u cruise at high speed with nitro boost on your roller beetle, if u are cruising thru sand sharks or hydra monsters, u get damaged after a second.. this i'm not certain if its because of high ping but idk...

in pvp, u knew the enemy is about to use an attack spell and u activate your block, still 3 or more insta cast skills from enemy hit you and damage you and sometimes your meele attack doesn't connect at all even if you reached them close


even if the competitive game modes require nice ping, that shouldnt be the case for raids and fractals... it's not a world ending crisis.. but its still vexing to see those issues, it makes a hard to play content even harder for some ppl while others don't have those issues 


have anyone or some experienced these issues? or am I the only one?

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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