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Precocious Aurene

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The "special Effect" key remains LOCKED and unusable no matter HOW quickly my character reaches the white circle AND hiding behind a pillar (ANY PILLAR) doe NOT prevent "pulling". These issues render the "Precocious Aurene" event undoable. I have tried with a Mesmer and a Warrior and got the same result.

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Yes and I've tried ALL of the pillar, both above and under water!!  Same result still getting pulled and CAN'T activate the "Special Effect" it just remains locked. One character has already completed  the entirety of "A Crack in the Ice" the other is doing it for the first time. Same effect


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This is not winnable. 
I'm soloing it, but for goodness sake, barely 2 sec of ability to do damage to the creature? 
You have to stand DEAD CENTER of the circle to have it activate the special ability?
Cmon folks.. this is beyond annoying. 
Oh, and doing this with my Necro. The creature is sucking health from my minions, and healing back to full! 

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1 hour ago, johncrichton.7038 said:

This is not winnable. 
I'm soloing it, but for goodness sake, barely 2 sec of ability to do damage to the creature? 
You have to stand DEAD CENTER of the circle to have it activate the special ability?
Cmon folks.. this is beyond annoying. 
Oh, and doing this with my Necro. The creature is sucking health from my minions, and healing back to full! 

It is advised (in the Wiki, if elsewhere) not to use Minions for this very reason. 

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OK this worked for me yesterday after 2 crashes during the final battle. For those I was staying behind the big pillars in the water and quite a few times I could not get to the platform fast enough to do the joint attack.

I was on my necro but did NOT use any minions. The greatsword and axe 1 & 2 attacks were all I used and I got it done during the second joint attack with Aurene. The key was NOT to leave the platform, but to stand at the very end of the rectangular part between the stairs  There are small pillars there that you want to place between you and the boss. Being this close means you can easily get to the big circle when the joint attack is ready while none of the boss attacks hit you there.

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