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So, What's Next?

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On 8/2/2021 at 5:19 PM, NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

By the way, as long as you aren't doing something like Chalice of Tears or Searing Ascent jumping puzzles, I'd forego using guides. It's much more satisfying to complete some of these more unique achievements / quests on your own.

There's raid wings 1-3 and 4 (Forsaken Thicket and Bastion of the Penitent) that add a lot into the overall lore and help you understand the events that occurred both between the time skip (GW1-GW2), and between Personal Story (Zhaitan) and Living World Season 3. Bastion of the Penitent has some fairly easy bosses, so I'd aim to maybe complete that one if you have any form of curiosity towards raiding.

Apart from the instances, I believe most players are achievement hunters - and, quite honestly, there's easily enough content to keep you busy 'till End of Dragons, there.

You should also aim to collect all the pets / items / collectibles for your home instance. There's more than plenty, and some are quite tricky to get (and funny, i.e. Caudecus' cat).


Thanks for the ideas! I will probably wait on instanced PvE (Raids/fractals ect.) until I get better internet in a few months. I am playing on SpaceX's StarLink internet right now and it has some major Latency / Ping problems right now. Not trying to DC 4 times during a raid lol


But Open world content is my jam right now. I have been scouring the achievements and watching Videos on intruducing me to the plethora of unlockables there are!!!!


On 8/2/2021 at 10:04 PM, Jukhy.2431 said:

So much great advice in this topic! Love how helpful this community is. 

As mentioned before following gw2crafts.net guides is the easiest and cheapest solution for leveling crafting.

If you haven't already, you might also want to check out metabattle.com for best (meta) builds. I usually choose a build I enjoy most for the class and then customize it a bit to fit my personal taste. Having the most optimal and fitting build for you will be important especially in the expansion areas where the skill level required is higher. Also for fractals/strikes/raids playing a meta build is usually the safest option, since they have been tested and vetted by the more experienced players.


Yes this community is pretty awesome! I can't believe it took me this long to dive into GW2 but I'm glad I finally did 😃

I'm working on my open world PvE Reaper build right now. I've unlocked about 70% of the Reaper Skills so far and having a blast with that spec!   I have also been looking into Engineer and Elementalist. They look so fun as well!


I tend to do the same thing. While I'm learning and absorbing information I will go with a tried and tested build, and than start changing a skill here or there too fit my personal play style.


13 hours ago, Geiir.7603 said:

What’s next after exploring the world and doing the story content?

* Get the Skyscale, the Griffon and the Rollerbeetle

* Go into the achievement tab and find a fun achievement or a title you want to unlock

* Start working on your legendary journey

* Learn PvP

* Roam WvW with friends

* Unlock cosmetics and perks with map currencies

* Explore dungeons

* Go through fractals

* Try a raid

* Mount races

* Learn how to fly the Griffon

* Learn how to ride your Rollerbeetle

* Master a few profession skills

* Level a new profession and level it

* Replay living story instances for achievements and see the other decisions you could have made


That’s just what I had on top of my mind. There’s so much to do, see and explore 😄


Wow great list here!


I just watched my first videos on Gryphon / Rollerbeetle unlocks the other day. It'd definitely a grind but looks like I'll get too explore and see a lot of the map while  doing so, so that's exciting!  I am finishing up my main story journal stuff right now, and working on crafting. But choosing a Legendary to start working on  and starting the Gryphon grind are next on my list!


You guys n gals are awesome and have given me so much to work with! I just wanted a little direction from the community too see what other people like doing. And this list is just what I needed!





Edited by Kazumm.4670
English is Hard
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