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No Pyre Gall drop

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There are a couple of possibilities:

  • It did drop for you already and you didn't notice (it has to be 'consumed' to count for the collection). Use a site like GW2 Efficiency to search through your inventory.
  • You've drastically overestimated the number of hydras you killed, so while you've been unlucky, it just hasn't been extraordinarily bad luck.
  • You overfarmed a particular area, resulting in Diminished Returns, lowering the chances.
  • You really are having 1:1000000 luck, which is why there aren't reports of others killing 300 hydras without getting the drop.

With RNG for a collection, it's going to be the case that each player has a nemesis drop, the one that simply won't appear. For me, in HoT specialization collections, it was the tiger claws (I counted 50 tigers, after having not counted originally). In PoF, for me, it's the worm's, um, droppings. In Aurora, it was the ghost residue.

What seems to have helped me is changing things up: don't worry about it for a bit, then swapping to another toon, and doing something new that puts me in contact with the relevant foe type. Likely, that didn't actually change my luck. But, it absolutely changed my perception — I was no longer so annoyed because it just felt like I was starting anew. Worked a treat for Tiger Claw and ghost residue. I'm still waiting on the Junundu though :(

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