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Maximum draw distance


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These images show the maximum draw distance in Gendarran Fields - with and without fog.

Draw Distance 1Draw Distance 2Draw Distance 3Draw Distance 4

Even though you can remove the fog, you can't increase the actual maximum draw distance. So you won't see the fog anymore but you also won't see objects that are too far away. You might see some strange/empty landscapes or textures instead.

What do you think about the maximum draw distance, fog and performance in general?

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this is one of the things I found bad with the game when you look out and see noting but fog. and can hardly see other places and so forth . even tho they will never remove the fog. or any thing like that due to bad dev choice making and staying on that track . honestly maximum draw distance, fog and performance in general should have been increase and made to work properly when the game was made . instead of this stupid fog junk

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@ProtoGunner.4953 said:Haven't they increased the draw distance in the new maps? Crystal Oasis seems pretty good. But you are right - like the ancient 13 years old DirectX 9.0c version they use this is something they should have implemented.

agreed giving these facts when DX11 came out back in 096.01.7600.16385October 22, 2009Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R26.00.6002.18107October 27, 2009Windows Vista SP2 and Windows Server 2008 SP2, through the Platform Update for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008

and could been used then when the game was being made. and not out dated stone age tech

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@ProtoGunner.4953 said:Haven't they increased the draw distance in the new maps? Crystal Oasis seems pretty good. But you are right - like the ancient 13 years old DirectX 9.0c version they use this is something they should have implemented.

I didn't think about the draw distance in particular when I played the demo, but I found some screenshots.If someone else has some more screenshots of the demo, we could compare them and see if the distance changed significantly

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I think to some degree we need to have fog. Personally it's doesn't bother me that much, better than some models popping out, I guess.These images you've provided shows that without fog there's an awkward blue infinity.

You know what could be really cool?Anyone saw for example usage of matte paintings in Halo series, or some movies? Basically it's a still image that imitates what's far away, giving an illusion of depth.Imagine combining this with a little bit fog, because as I guess everyone know that in real life in sunlight stuff on horizon are a little bit dimmed.I allowed myself to modified one of those images to show what I mean.


and a little more dimmed with just silhouetteshttps://imgur.com/a/kcaTd

Here I've quickly just added a simple mountain painting, with this technique plus great skyboxes you could add more, creating beautiful enviroments and world would feel much more open.I think it could really work with closed instanced maps that are in GW2.

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