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Where Did Kourna's Hearts Go?

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So today I went to do the rounds and find there are now only TWO hearts!

Arkjok Farmlands and Allied Encampment are there but the other three have gone. I can recall one being in the Corsair camp and one with the Hylke, I forget where the fifth was, but today they're not there .. I don't mean they're reset, I mean they simply aren't on the map; note the zone summary still shows '5/5'.


I went to the Corsair camp and it seems they're just missing on the main map, they are still there and appear on the mini map ... and now it's on the main map as well, the other missing ones are still not showing so it seems the main map forgets them until toy visit them.

WAI and I just didn't notice before? I'm pretty sure they were all present yesterday before I did them.


So it's inconsistent .. the Hylek one didn't show until I got to it, however after completing it I now saw the fifth one (east of the Front Line) that wasn't there before .. I know it wasn't there before because (a) I'd looked everywhere and (b) when I hovered the mouse of the hear icon in the map summary top-left of main map it didn't 'flash' like those icons do when there are unvisited locations of that type showing on the map.

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