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Enemy of my Enemy: beast chase special action skill


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During the second Enemy of my Enemy mission (skipping the first talking instance) you have to chase a branded devourer and usurp it's energies using the Grasp of Joko.Now, the skill itself works, but the hotkey does not. I use my mouse for steering while riding, so having to rely on physically clicking the skill is a great negative impacton the mission's performance, or rather, the doability of it's achievements. I got through the mission just fine, but not without a headache. Can you please allow the useof hotkeys for the special action skill while on mounts?I'm not sure if it's a bug or a forgotten mechanic installment, so I'm posting it as a bug, first

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The Issue I have is much the same in that whenever I try to use my special action hotkey © being bound both to my mount ability 2 and my special action key the special action Grasp of Joko will not proc upon pressing C on my keyboard. Other Information It seems to refresh even while being in the range of the enemy NPC Every 4 seconds or so, Testing I have found that the hopeful temp fixing is unbinding the Mount ability 2 and leaving special action key as is.

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