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scrapper: make "detonate gyro" a blast finisher?


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Currently detonating your gyro just counts as an "explosion" for trait purposes, but I was thinking that I could really use some extra blast finishers, specially for things like the elite gyro in situations where I find it otherwise useless (eg: boss fights).

Granted, I wonder how it would affect balance, though from what I've read around, scrapper isn't all that great in PvP so perhaps it wouldn't be an issue.

Thoughts? (other than most gyros are awful and need a rework, which already has its own thread :P)

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Hopefully the systems team considers this. Even though I hear that they never delve into the class forums. :P

It would totally help for more water field blasts, not just from the healing gyro itself, but any other equipped gyros you can sacrifice for the greater good (which is where balance concerns could come from).

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It's not exactly detonating, but rather ordering gyros to self-destruct. The explosions that are caused from gyros when self-destruct are useless and I agree that it would be better if gyros could cause blast finishers, similar to how turrets cause blast finishers when detonated.

The only gyro that causes any combo finisher is the whirl gyro. I was thinking why not make each gyro create their own combo field when they self-destruct, like purge gyro creating a light field or bulwark gyro creating a field that pulses protection similar to guardian's symbol of protection from the hammer?

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