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Posts posted by bigo.9037

  1. On 11/12/2021 at 1:17 PM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


    This is where I guess we agree to disagree on a lot of points; anyway for a few:

    - You don't need the shout heal on NM builds to keep 25 might if you are running axe (and presumably smokescale), as that has a ton of might generation built in.  An alternative is bear stance as it heals for slightly less but has all the condi cleanse built in, and I find the extra time on the boon copy is often overkill

    - Sustain on Soulbeast for me wholly comes down to protection uptime and dolyak stance; WS provides plenty of prot uptime with dodging and if you are that worried about condis can always run second skin and even OH axe for resistance uptime.  Weapon skills like GS block and swoop to stealth are great for running, but I don't find they turn fights practically ever

    - Condi builds for me are far worse to deal with than power, as 'busted' for me is trailblazer, and all that poison damage and application makes it super hard to heal and cleanse.  

    For general condi builds and survivability, outside of trailblazer giving 3k+ toughness--on Druid you have pretty much infinite survivability with staff unless super outnumbered as you are going to need chain-cc to keep you down, and soulbeast you have dolyak stance and a whole lot of other things to help you run if in melee range.  

    Since the topic is about cele slb though, I feel it wrong to leave out condition damage in the build no matter how 'lackluster' the condi weapons may seem.  I mean if built right it's still pretty easy to get 2k power, 1k+ condi, 3k+ toughness all base with the cele build.  So no real reason to run straight power when you can still do decent condi damage as an auxiliary.  

    Maybe it's just a fundamental difference of playstyle though.  For me, I'm not really concerned with having a ton of kiting options unless purposefully going into outnumbered fights or running a role where I have to troll (point stalling, keep stalling, etc.).  In general, I find most players just get downed to really anything, and if I wanted never to die I'd just run a good deadeye build or something.  

    Okay idk what kinda MU you’re on, and what level of skilled opponents you’re fighting, but my swoop can easily crit 3-6k depending on the targets armor. Swoop will ignore the run part of animation if target is close enough which makes it a 3/4 I frame that hits pretty hard. 

    unless you’re fighting straight up Bots, you pretty much need stealth on ranger if you want to fight outnumbered against enemies with more than 2 brain cells.  Gs isn’t for running, it’s for melee fighting. 

    also again , Nm has better prot up time than WS does. And ws isn’t able to maintain the 25 stacks.. 

    • Confused 1
  2. On 11/11/2021 at 2:10 AM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


    It's celestial, which is why you don't need GS. 


    I realize GS is a crutch in practically every 'meta' build, but if you do run NM dagger gives you perma quickness, and with quickness trait it also extends your boons to absurd amounts.  Run vulture stance and you still have perma 25 stacks of might, with or without axe.  


    Anyway, I personally find WS stronger because of the built in condi removal on survival skills so you don't have to take cleansing sigils.  For celestial it is also handy to have the trait that increases condi damage instead of poison on hit, because you can get poison from practically anywhere on ranger.  


    Essentially, I wouldn't pin celestial to 'boonbeast'.  I think there are better stat sets for that then cele; for me cele is more of a hybrid, so again, I like WS more for the condi (removal and damage increase) than NM.    



    Sure, but getting your cleanses from sigils extracts more value out of them than anything else could. I don't like having to use a specific set of utilites just to cleanse condis. Especially when you consider that even LR at a 24s cooldown, only cleanses 2 condis (well, 3 if you count the immob, but if you're not immob'd then it does nothing ). Same with QZ or throw mud, even sharpening stone. but imo, other than QZ and LR, survival skills aren't great. and since most ppl will be slotting protect me + dolyak stance anyway, you can still run LR without the trait. Sure running troll urgent would then give you 4 cleanses on heal and an immob, which is nice but remember you're trading this for pretty much 100% uptime on 25 might stacks and all the other goodies.

    I'm not saying you cant run WS at all, play whatever you think is fun. I'm not someone who plays optimal builds either, but from what i have tried throughout the years, NM is just going to give you better results simply because of boons being as busted as they are. Better results as in more dmg with equal survivability. 

    If you absolutely don't want to use GS, yea maybe WS could be better suited as you will have problems when it comes to your sustain, but NM is technically also better at this than WS, with the exception being cleanse. protective ward is a busted passive that should've been removed back when most other passives were being heavily nerfed. 

    Also another point: unfortunately, condition dmg on ranger is just .. bad. It's pretty terrible. I've seen builds that can deal very good poison dmg, and I've personally  tested condi builds on ranger / druid / soulbeast multiple times throughout the years and every time come to same conclusion: condi weapons and skills on ranger don't have good and easy application of dmg the same way power weapons do, and even if weapons have OK application of condi, they usually are extremely lacking in defensive options.

    Power builds have WH , LB , GS. lb has very high dmg, best range in the entire game, utility with CC and aoe cleave, + hunters shot, the one skill that makes longbow so good. GS has basically 3 defensive skills at this point , in addition to CC and burst dmg.
    there's the block, then there's counter attack which is an evade, and then there's the leap which is ALSO an evade + leap finisher. 

    No condi weapons for ranger have abilities that are comparable when it comes to these 3 weapons. WH is pretty much necessary if you're gonna run axe, as you need a way to reliably blast stealth. ( which is why i used axe-wh in my build) 
    shortbow has extremely lackluster dmg compared to lb, and it has way less range, and less utility on top of that with a longer CD on the daze than longbow has on PBS. 

    MH dagger has a leap finisher, but it deals lackluster condi dmg  ( power is fine ) but also requires you to be in melee distance, with no way of actually defending yourself while in melee distance, unlike GS.  dagger is a weapon that can only work on enemies who will let you free cast on them, or using it right out of stealth for some quick hits before you swap to your other set. (dagger OH is not good either )

    what else? sword? sword is just bad. bad dmg, no real utility. only works if you wanna play super passive and let your pet do all the dmg for you ( shame on those players ). 

    So yea, my solution is to just use GS because GS is busted asf, and with the 25 might stacks which you will have easily, your GS is actually going to hit very hard. 

    It's a boonbeast build obviously, but considering the insane amount of stats that celestial has, you may as well run celestial over commanders. you'll be able to utilize the axe MH very well. having 900 range wont matter much if you're gonna be able to facetank a lot with perma prot and insane stab uptime, and enemies still have to be very careful since a OWP + WH#4 + smoke assault combo can kill them quickly, not even to mention all the dmg you'll get from GS. 



    • Confused 1
  3. 14 hours ago, Choppy.4183 said:


    Have you tried replacing OWP with SotP and Sic Em with Dolyak Stance? It might be overkill on the boons, but I half wondered if you aren't able to squeeze a lot of juice in the Sic Em/OWP windows. The build seems like it's more of a longer game (not that long though... I've fought similar builds and can confirm they have killing power).

    I don't mean to be rude but if you had actually looked at the build link i posted you'd see i was already running dolyak stance, it's mentioned in most of my replies in this thread.

    As for sicem, yea, that slot can really be whatever you want it to. moa stance? sure.
    sicem? yup. LR? that can work too if you want an extra bit of mobility. ( 30s cooldown is np tbh ) hecc you can even throw a spike trap in there. Stone signet, what have you. 

    And for OWP, i'm not sure. I think if youre not running sicem, using SotP is going to decrease your burst potential substantially. 
    I don't think people realize how busted OWP is. besides, sotp really only offers stab for the build, you already have 25 might stacks from wh + merge + heal etc, you dont even get to utilize the extra might from sotp. 

    But yea. i would say you can run sotp but then id definitely suggest slotting sicem to make up for the dmg lost from owp.

    OWP + WH#4 + smoke assault is gonna hit very hard. 


  4. 3 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


    Goes on to rant about how good the build is then at the end through ad hominem basically says WS will keep you alive longer anyway:



    Not saying the build won't work btw, just that I found it isn't as good as WS options because anet loves WS too much.  Personally when I run a similar build for fun I use dagger MH, as I find it plays better with cele than GS does.  


    I wouldn't go so far as to say it 'carries hard' though, because for me true 'build wars 2' would like in the direction of trailblazer...

    I don’t think WS would stay alive longer. I just think WS is slightly easier to play for newbies. Newbies being people who don’t know how to avoid going condi nuked lol.


     Explain please why WS is stronger then? Dagger is in every way worse than gs except for condi application, while gs has better defenses and more burst potential and actually has CC. 

    i don’t see how 3s prot on dodge and poison on hit is gonna be better than easy 25 might on like 100% uptime as well as every other boon you can apply except stab which still has a very long duration. 

    may i remind you 25 might is 750 extra power and condi power?

    • Confused 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


    I understand the build, the reason it works is 90% of players in competitive are awful.  I mean your 'rotation' includes burning your defense skill (protect me) and your heal skill...  


    But, your counter of 'don't get bursted' is super insightful lolol

    No, this 'rotation' i was speaking of just means that in any particular fight youre  likely going to use your heal and youre going to break stun at least every now and then, so in a fight youre going to have more than 100% uptime on protection. 

    YOUR point on the other hand, being that WS has more prot uptime, includes burning your dodges for protection? contradiction much? NM gets these bonuses passively and gets much, much more duration in any given fight than WS does. WS doesnt quadruple your boons when you merge + heal, NM does. 

    OK, you say 90 % of players in wvw are awful, yet you are somehow UNABLE to avoid a condi burst, despite the fact which YOU stated, 90 % of players are awful. AM i really asking too much here?

    Are you one of those people who panic cleanse all your condis the second they are applied? even confusion?

    If you get condi bursted while playing this build:

    1, youre going to take less dmg cus of perma protection -33% dmg, resolution also -33% dmg, dolyak stance - 33% dmg. 

    2, you can pop dolyak stance ( which is a skill you use as last resort, regardless of build. ) to cleanse chill, immob, cripple. 

    3, swap weapons. 

    4, block, evade, stealth to avoid getting hit further. 

    5, stop playing like the 90% of wvw players who are potatoes and getting hit by a full condi burst. 

    6, if you got hit by a burst, break stun and evade to avoid letting them land the entire combo on you.


    i mean look, the possibilities are endless for your options here. 

    I understand you are personally part of the 90% of potatoes, but just because you cant dodge or block doesn't mean the build is bad. Just because you want a build that you can just play while afk and your ultimate goal isn't to WIN, it is to "not die", doesn't mean WS is actually better.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  6. 15 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


    It's fine for a YOLO build, but doesn't take advantage of a lot of things--like second skin, as you are losing a lot of prot uptime not taking WS.  A good condi burst would down this build no matter how much boon uptime you have. 


    Doubly so if they catch you in Axe/Wh as you're only means of kiting is #5 blasting smokescale field, or trying to use smoke assault while merged (fine for evading not great for running).  


    Anyway, with cele builds I've found better luck with leveraging the quickness trait to get a ton of boon uptime over camping second skin.  

    I'm sorry did you miss the part where i explain that you can DODGE and BLOCK with gs? you have smoke assault that is an evade, you have 2 evades, you have a 3 second block PLUS an extra evade all from GS#4. 

    This argument is so stupid tbh, "a good condi burst" well, hello? dont get bursted? and youre not even right about dying to it either.
    The only way you're going to die to a single condi burst is if:
    1, ALL your utilites are on cooldown including heal.

    2, opponent corrupts all your boons

    3, you dont have weapon swap ready, either ( cleansing sigil cleanses 3 condis )

    So, yea, SURE... if you have literally everything on cooldown and you get bursted, you will die. but.. if you had 2 braincells, maybe youd block the burst with gs, reposition yourself to avoid getting bursted while you have everything on cooldown? 

    Both weapon sets in my build have a finisher which means you can stealth both with WH and with gs NP. 

    You also don't lose ANY protection uptime unless you are actively being corrupted, repeatedly. 
    Durability runes = 4.5s/20s protection, Protective Ward = 6.5s/15s, protect me gives 6.5s/24s. 
    merge = 5s/10s prot, WHAO = 3s prot. 

    SO.. you add all this up, you have 25.5 whole seconds of protection just by doing a rotation and using protect me, every 24s. protective ward resets every 15s, dura runes every 20s, merging every 10s. 

    you have 100% prot uptime unless you get corrupted repeatedly. 

    MAYBE try to understand a build before you go and tell me its a "YOLO" build.

    I currently play a build that has 0 boon duration and somehow i get away with playing the same amount of condi cleanse. i get 2 from my heal, and otherwise 0 ( except yakstance ) from traits/ skills. only cleansing sigil. and that seems to be enough for me.

    • Confused 1
  7. 22 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    Except people dont spread out because of no downed state - quite the opposite, they seek shelter in the blob because they know they instantly die outside it to 5 man gank groups.

    Sure, but with changes that promote 5v5 combat styles instead of larger 20+ player squads that isn't much of a problem imo. I mostly care about bringing down the scale of the fights. Right now theres too many things that favor running around in a huge blob. 

  8. On 11/6/2021 at 1:57 PM, BeepBoopBop.5403 said:


    You: 'Do you realise rally is the main way to come back from DS ?'

    Also you: 'killing a player will only rally ONE other player, you can't rally your full biggest squad just by killing one people from the smallest squad.

    Is rally the main way to come back from DS or is it an insignificant part of the game because you've amazingly said both at the same time. Also nothing to say about target caps and having more 3k armor meatshield rezbots and having more rez CDs lol.

    Go fight 20 with 10 and tell me downstate doesn't favor the 20, pretty funny stuff you playing another game. And no, I don't care about this hypothetical situation about 40 man squads vs 50 man squads, this week is finally a time to enjoy other areas of the WvW instead of catering to full squads like usual.

    Servers can't even support a decent 40v40 fight, balancing around lagwars is a clown move.

    kitten, Koolgai spot on in this thread. 

    Yea I love when blob fighters try to pretend blobbing is somehow the intended way to play wvw.. the game engine cant even handle it even on low settings you run around with like 15fps, the servers start crashing etc etc. 

    The game is much better off if it starts to promote and encourage 5 man group play, 5 man is enough to take down walls and gates , its the perfect sized team to have enough variety in builds also. 5 man teams spread out across the map(s) means more fights for everyone, just smaller. Instead of all the pugs feeling like they contribute nothing to a blob fight because they are only 1 out of 20 or 40 players, 5v5 group play means you the player is now contributing 20 % of your team efforts, which is MUCH more engaging.

    blobfights literally make me fall asleep at keyboard. 

    Remove DS permanently and rework traits, refund finishers or whatever. Remove target cap for Aoe DMG only, not healing. 
    (healers were never supposed to be in gw2. yall wanna talk about DS being core game feature, well, having 0 support builds in the game was ALSO a core game feature, how funny you DS lovers always forget that. 
    Then nerf EWP cooldown to 90m 🙂


    I also wanna add that, not only does wvw fighting require skill in terms of combat, but it also requires good positioning. if you die during the no DS event, have you considered maybe you strayed too far from your team mates and got picked out as an easy target to burst? 99% of the time, when me and my team gets a kill in a fight, say its 5v10, the nr 1 reason our targets die is because they got greedy or went out of position to the point where his teammates could no longer defend him in time. 

    I don't understand all this fuss about NDS means kills are luck based or dont  require skill. 
    All we do is punish your mistakes with very coordinated attacks. Last night my  team with 1 aura mancer and 1 core corrupt necro + power roamer herald + me on soulbeast + scrapper had to coordinate our burst attacks by having the necro strip stab off of the enemy nade scrapper at exactly the right time so the rest of us could port into him while he was out of position and burst him down.

    This gameplay strategy requires lots of coordination between all members of the team. please explain how it requires less skill for 4-5 ppl too coordinate an attack on a target? If you think it doesn't , im pretty sure you just got targeted cus you made the mistake of getting way out of position, which in itself is a SKILL. 

    • Like 2
  9. On 11/2/2021 at 9:00 PM, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

    WS doesn't only offer condi cleanse, you also gain 25% endurance regen, immob on heal, high poison uptime (doesn't only add dmg directly, also means you need less dmg to kill someone), more healing, prot, fury, shorter cd on decent stun breaks (or even more poison) ... And more cleansing doesn't hurt, even if it might not be neccessary. Let's you play more agressive .

    I agree with the poison, thats true. but otherwise no. I think you've reached a point of diminishing returns on celestial soulbeast when it comes to that. NM can easily provide you with a permanent 25 stacks of might, 100% fury uptime, more quickness, weakness, and if you run Dura runes, WHAO, + merge, you have much much more stab + quickness uptime on top of that. 

    KEEP IN MIND.. 25 might stacks improves your condition damage also. 25 might stacks nearly doubles your condi stats. 

    Also, what stunbreak are you running on cele soulbeast that needs the CD reduction? you already slot yakstance and probably protect me which is most cases the 2nd best in slot ( LR is too situational and will proc shock aura ), are you seriously telling me you wanna run 3 stunbreaks including the stab from yakstance? youre better off with sicem for extra dmg so you can kill thieves, rangers, engis, mesmers more easily, or a trap, moa stance. You really, really don't need 3 stunbreaks if you already have yakstance slotted. 

    check out this build:


    with 25 might stacks ( which you will have nearly all the time )
    you get 12 % dmg from NM trait cus youre always gonna have 6 boons on you, ( might, swift, fury, protection, resolution, regen ) 
    2500 power, 3000 armor , 1300 condi dmg. SO much stab uptime youll be able to play very very aggressively, perma prot. 
    ANNDDD on top of all that, insane amounts of weakness spam from warhorn + NM traits which will STEAL ENEMY BOONS on interrupt cus warhorn #5 now dazes. power builds will do absolutely nothing to you, and you have enough passive CDR to ignore pretty much all condi dmg  and you have cleanses on every weapon swap anyway. Again, you dont need WS cleanses because you have yakstance to stay in their face so you can always move quickly,  and with blocks + evades + stealth you will barely even get hit in the first place. 

    I would happily challenge everyone in this thread to 1v1 on their celestial build vs this setup , youre going to get completely obliterated, but i dont play this level of kittenous sustain and have no intention of playing celestial. but if you want to, THIS build is the most optimal setup and it isn't even close. 

    WHY would you bother playing celestial NOW after the boon buff, and not utilize the boons when soulbeast has some of the most busted boon uptime with NM? 

    Heck you could even swap the dura runes for mad king and just destroy anything within radius by popping OWP since OWP procs mad king runes and you have so much dmg. 

    OWP + smoke assault + warhorn #4  = people die. Your maul from gs is gonna hit very hard on squishies. WI is gonna hit hard. Axe #3 is gonna hit hard and chill + weakness. 

    But i have to say, if you run this type of build, i have 0 respect for you. this is a perfect example of build wars 2. carries wayy too hard. 

    • Confused 3
  10. On 11/4/2021 at 12:13 AM, Dawdler.8521 said:

    Thats called adapting to the situation. 

    People do the same with condi vs power due to condi exponentially decreasing in efficiency the more enemies there are above 1v1.

    Guess that means condi is dead too.

    I don’t actually think roaming is dead I just wanted to point out problems. 

    No DS event gives roamer builds more leverage at least, coordinated single target kills actually mean something now.

  11. 1 hour ago, kash.9213 said:

    Stealth isn't broken though. If they want to cry about something and call for nerfs, they can cover which build or kit is the problem they're running into. Otherwise, they're just some kitten crying for nerfs because they don't want to adjust like everyone else has to.

    Thief has been the Meta roaming spec since launch. 
    Sure, not all classes that use stealth are abusing it to the same extent, but D/P SA Dash needs to be either straight up deleted or heavily nerfed.

    • Like 9
    • Confused 4
  12. 10 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    Yes, thats called escalation. Its literally what WvW is built for, what makes it playable and keeps it fun and unpredictable instead of being a single player game.

    If you 1v1 someone and cant win you 2v1 him.

    If you 2v1 him and still cant win you 3v1.

    If you win 3v1, he brings 2 friends and win 3v3.

    You bring two more and win 5v3. 

    He bring a whole border zerg.

    You call upon your zerg.

    This is WvW yet people always seem to see something wrong with it. Is there always people around to counter the enemy? No. Because we're not 24/7 bots. But we still fight in WvW regardless.

    Yea how about addressing the other issue i pointed to that kills roaming? the fact that the escalation literally forces people OFF OF roaming builds and into blob builds, thus meaning you are no longer roaming, you are blobbing. This is a balance issue.

    And to address your point about escalation, is it worth to gather up X2 as many peeps to guarantee your winning chances if it means enemy team group will quit and do something else? then theres no more content. I'm not saying all escalation is bad, but i'm saying I personally see people who will stop playing as soon as enemy decides to pull up with X2 numbers with 1/3 or 1/2 of them playing support specs. 

    I'm lucky enough to main a class that allows me to pick and choose my fights as well as have a somewhat viable blob build, so this doesn't affect me directly but i see people quit or go afk because of people bringing way too many ppl to kill the same small group over and over, and that means *I* also have less content.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 5 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    So 2 points that bring more balance, 1 point with failure to escalate combat because muH RoAmiNg and 1 point of the game encouraging you to get good with a build for roaming.

    Yep sure sounds like a death knell.

    ? It is fairly common that roamers end up “comping” up to be able to deal with a group of 5 cus it’s more effective. it can go like this in some cases:

    team 1 of 5ppl against team 2 of 5ppl.  

    Team 1 gets tired of losing or going 50/50 > they all pull out their comp builds of scrapers, fbs, aura minstrel tempest and necros. 
    > having no chance vs blob comp on their roamer builds, team 2 either quit, or comp themselves. Either scenario in this case is bad imo, as blob comps with 3 supports (which is very common) is just a pathetic and unfun play style. 



    • Like 1
  14. TLDR:

    1, mounts and gliding made movement based builds lose all their value, pugs being able to clear jumps faster than you with mounts/ gliding. 

    2, removal of hiding spots in towers, keeps. (revert certain changes to towers. instead of being marked on the map inside a keep, just make it impossible to stealth so you actually have to hide well)

    3, Zero sum game. MU lasts  a whole week, 2 enemy guilds of 5 roamers will be forced to play blob-builds (multiple supports, aoe based dmg). If one team keeps bringing 10 players to kill 3 ppl, 3 players will inevitably want to stop playing for the rest of the MU, leaving everyone without content. I would say a lot of these issues are actually player based. I couldn't care less about ""honor"" or whatever, but it goes without saying youre killing the gamemode if you keep bringing a semi-automatic rifle to a knife fight over and over again. 

    4, the massive gap in build capabilites is discouraging people from playing non "meta" builds while roaming. 
    Sure it is fun to learn a less optimal build with a more fair risk/reward , but after dying over and over again while barely being given the chance to actually get any rewards from your non meta build, youre gonna get tired of dying to perma stealth thieves on condi or power, instakill nade scrapper that still have passive stunbreaks from traits, 1shot SMC-beast with sicem and unblockable, or literally any class that runs celestial or commanders stats with durability runes.


    • Like 4
  15. 7 hours ago, nerva.7940 said:

    I have 100% prot uptime with just Unstoppable Union and Companion's Defense. With Pack Runes, WH5 and axe, also have 25 might. It's nice to have on-demand condi cleansing from WS on top of the sigils. 

    I mean, play whatever you want. Meta is irrelevant in wvw if you're roaming. 

    But, lets go over your cleansing options here:

    Dolyak stance, every 30s you will cleanse and be immune to all movement condis for 6s.   9s if traited. thats already nearly 33% uptime on movement cleansing if you have it traited. 

    You have 33% CDR on all incoming condis because of 100% prot uptime. 
    You have an additional 33% CDR from the new reworked retal boon, totals about 50% CDR if you combine them. 

    Add 2 cleansing sigils and now you have 3 cleanses every 9 seconds, on top of all the CDR and cleanses from dolyak stance. 

    If you think you need more cleanses, I'd instead suggest you learn when to dodge or use GS so you can block, or sword for evades. If you're playing soulbeast in wvw for roaming specifically, you'll need smokescale as your pet anyways, which has smokeassault as an evade and smokefield for easy stealth. I see no reason you'd actually need more on demand condi cleanse than you already have.

    IMHO, adding more cleanses would just be completely overkill. Condi dmg isn't even that common.

    So, slotting NM over WS allows you to reprioritize your stats and rune effect because of how WHAO + Merge quadruples your boons instead of just doubling them. It's much more efficient. Sure if you play celestial anyways this obviously isn't possible but still. You could add a couple pieces of something with more armor/ condi or you could add a few pieces of mara / zerk gear for dmg. 

    Not to mention NM spams weakness , lowers cooldown for WH which means more boons + daze + blastfield. WS literally doesn't offer anything for soulbeast other than condi cleanses, which you shouldn't have to worry about in the first place given the build i just laid out for you here.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
  16. The best way to play cele soulbeast is with BM-NM. You don't need condi cleanse from WS. it is not worth it. Get one cleansing sigil for each weapon. The boon rework  recently made it so that you already get 33% condi dmg reduction from just playing the game on 50% uptime, then you have protection which also gives 33%. 66% condi DR, with weapon sigil cleansing is more than enough. If you still die to condi 1v1, you need  to practice and don't know how to use your build, doesn't mean you need to play more condi cleanse. 

    So, use NM + BM. You get same amount of protection, wayyyyy more boons. easily stack 25 might as long as you run warhorn which means more dmg. madking runes are a good choice on that build. 

    • Like 1
  17. Untamed, a pet based spec where you have very very bad control over your pet. you cant even command the pet to come back to you or to stop attacking. pretty awful. the dmg is very bad. having a teleport utility is very nice tho. thats about the only good thing the spec has to offer. the untamed pet f1-3 skills dont really do much? they hit for less than wet noodles do. i didnt even bother trying the hammer cus it just felt so bad. 

    To be perfectly honest, i dont think ill be playing this spec after  release, as a ranger main. I'm still gonna be on soulbeast.
    Thematically i dont like AI based specs, and even tho the new untamed skills make it easier to get your pet to stick to a target, its just not enough. Again, the only thing that i actually like about the spec is the Blind from untamed pet skills, boon rip, and the teleport  utility. Everything else feels bad, or pointless and not worth running. Sure, the elite skill is decent but why bother when dolyak stance offers nearly the same DR on a 30s cooldown instead of 90s cd? OWP and smoke assault on soulbeast is so strong combined with dolyak stance that nothing in Untamed kit will compare unless its buffed significantly. Not to mention soulbeast has way more dmg. 

    My solution:

    Keep the teleport utility. Reduce elite CD to 75s, give untamed weapon skills to ALL WEAPONS, increase untamed pet skills dmg, and pet dmg. Buff traits. 

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  18. 3 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


    I dunno why these discussions always have the out of 'was running subomtimal build', when I can tell you the 2v1 wouldn't have been a problem on the Druid either, but with about 8k more health leeway to boot.  


    If you are running a 'suboptimal build'...why? You want to win the fight before anyone shows up, so run proper builds? 


    As for the rest, all agree to disagree.  I don't use Dolyak runes (use Krait) and I've mentioned many times on the forums that TU and regen ticks makes it so you never have to worry about CA as its literally always available.  

    I have a personal preference for playing glass. So ill happily trade sustain for more damage. I could play boonbeast and have about 75% of the same damage but 100% more  sustain. i just choose not to do that cus i dont think its fun. and i never said you cant or shouldnt play druid, play whatever you like. but my point this whole time  is that objectively speaking druid isnt as strong as soulbeast is.

  19. 3 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


    Trimmed that to the relevant part for my reply; my problem is I believe all those are arguable:


    For less damage, I would say spike damage definitely is non-existent (in a power sense).  You can get a lot of damage out of good condi application, and I see 'but cleanse' as no excuse just like for power having perma protection / weakness to deal with is no excuse for a build being good or bad.


     I find downstate handling better since you can do it from stealth at any time like a thief.  I find in group settings the daze from lunar impact is enough to get rezzers off and if I personally can't secure the stomp they can't finish rezzing either.  


    Getting focused is about the only weakness, as yes you can get chain CC'd.  Very few players seem to know how to do that, and in fact I'm shocked when I see it.  As for soft-CC, you essentially have immunity through staff #4, and the million condi clears you have access to.


    Pets dying easily is also an issue, but using tankier ones and swapping solves that unless vastly outnumbered with AoE everywhere...don't find that much myself in small roaming situations.


    For better, I'd say Druid kites way better than a SLB does...at least for better ROI.  Staff alone is packed with pretty much every defensive util you need (aside from stability); while on SLB you have to take GS at all times, and if you want actual mobility must take bird over smokescale...which can very problematic.  Basically you are forced to leap into smoke field, which is way riskier way IMO to get stealth than popping CA and exiting (as can get CC very easy out of the leap unless you waste dolyak).  


    So at the end of the day, I just don't like the phrase 'better than'.  I don't think any spec on ranger is strictly  'better than' another.  


    1, objectively speaking, soulbeast has more damage both condi and power. 

    2, soulbeast can stomp from stealth too.

    3, soulbeast has more cleanses than druid does, and does NOT NEED to sacrafice ANYTHING to gain celestial avatar. if you think getting CC chained is rare, buddy, i think you must be fighting a bunch of very bad players. it happens all the time. especially if youre outnumbered. 

    4, if you have to switch to tanky pets just to avoid them dying, then thats another downside of druid. cus then youre not running the pets you want to. 

    5, druid can indeed kite  better than soulbeast, but only because of staff.  and staff has 0 damage in wvw. its  absolutely pointless. you have an entire weapon set  just for kiting that has 0 damage. sounds more like a tradeoff than an actual upside. 

    as for stealth from CA, well, youre wasting usually, a utility slot or a rune, or a foodbuff to keep celestial avatar up when its off cooldown. or all of the above. things like mango pie, rune of dolyak, signet of renewal. these are common tradeoffs druid must deal with just in order to fucntion. youre doing all that, just for some stealth and superspeed with a daze. the heals mean nothing these days. 

    you dont need to use bird for mobility, smokescale has plenty with smoke assault. its a teleport of about 900 range, and its instant. you can let the animation run, or you can cancel it to just use it as a teleport. 

  20. 3 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


    I mean yes, if we're talking about ganking randos that have no idea what projectile blocks are then that build is superior. 


    It still seemed to struggle a bit against the scourge (really the only tankyish thing featured in the vid), at least long enough to get another player involved.  


    But I'd think distracting groups and trolling points would be hard on that build, so goes back to my point of everything has a weakness and nothing is 'strictly better'. 

    Man... okay, listen. what do YOU want to do  while roaming? i wanna fight other players and win. i want to win the fight before more enemies show up. I wanna be able to get out of a tricky situation where im outnumbered or a blob is trying to run me over. if you wanna troll, thats fair. but druid doesnt fight better than soulbeast and thats been our point this whole time. 


    Druid suffers from projectile blocks ALSO, so i dont see what your point is about that at all? unless ... are you trying to kill people with staff auto attacks? cmon dude. what a meme. 


    As for the scourge that i was """""struggling""""" with, well before the clip starts, i was being chased by the scourge and thief for about 20 seconds prior. the thief did all the dmg, the scourge was merely trrying to catch up with me. 


    Keep in mind, im running a suboptimal build. This isnt an optimal soulbeast build that you could compare to other meta roaming builds, and yet, it still performs about 10 times better than a druid of any kind would in these scenarios. 

  21. 6 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


    I sorta had to bring personalities in to this because at this point we just have this stalemate of 'SLB is superior' without literally any video evidence for those claims.  Theoreticals are a whole lot different than practicals.


    Outside that I don't watch anyone on YT or Twitch unless I'm looking up another opinion on a build...which is how I found out Vallun and a few others runs condi / immob Druid.  


    We need practical / actual examples as well, because we did have a few month's back the 'can't kill the Druid' challenge where had a Druid build stalemate a SB build by just running around.  In an area with no LoS blocks and confined, all which are in SLB favor.  


    Anyway, the topic IS titled 'Ranger Solo Roaming WvW Build' so if Druid isn't completely unviable 'especially solo' then I'm not sure why we continue the discussion really.  If I can agree (and have) that SLB is much better in a power setup then I'm not sure why others can't agree condi immob Druid is most likely the best roaming condi setup ranger has.  

    Okay. I'll make a short video where i demonstrate the  issues with druid. I Don't currently have a template swap or gearset ready for condi ATM cus i decided it wasnt worth while at all since condi ranger in wvw just doesnt work well, So youll have to bare with me when i try to explain the troubles druid has when compared to soulbeast. if you could just send me the build in question tho, ill go over that in the video as well. 

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