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antidote.7201's Achievements

  1. PvE Willbender is probably the most gameplay changing of any EoD elite for now. We get access to exclusive physical skills, which is a different gameplay from what we've played in the past. We keep the traditionals virtues F1-F2-F3, but the setup for skill is based on attacks and counter-attacks. This said, we kinda rely on positionning and fast reactions, which goes to anticipation. Some skills actually bring what is needed : "Symbol of Blades" with teleport to target, F1-F2-F3 enabling a long patern of possible fight phases, and utility skills. Meanwhile, I think we're kinda lacking of real sustain, since of Virtues once used or traited with "Phoenix Protocol" are no longer effective in Regeneration and can bring us to a really squishy spot, where we don't really know what to do excepted escape. The elite skill "Heaven's palm" need few boons like protection to bring on the possible for some complicated situations where we have to have certains mechanic bosses. Overall, I'd add some exclusive effects on the skills, like you did for F1, but with more impacts on the visual design and animations. Willbender brings an emotional and adrenaline creator class, but it still need some support for longer fights. Aegis, swiftness, quickness, and protection. I'd add a second stack of Stability for the F3, since it's really easy to debuff with the previous expansion. The skill 4 "Executionner Brawlong" is kinda low on effect and not really impactful. I'd see a circle that could potentially pull up enemies, making the actual fight more in phase with the actual Samourai 's spirit. Otherwise, there's a synergy with all traits, but it might be difficult to find a condi build with this specialization. i'd add few condis to some basic skills, with a special trait that could potentially build a real gameplay versatility. WvW As for other classes of EoD, we need to bring the small scale fun gameplay to a level of large scale fighting. Few ideas : increase the radius of certains skills, decrease some cooldowns for WvW, and as for other classes : a visual marker on the ground.
  2. PvE Virtuoso is amazing to play. The skills are well designed and effective with correct cooldowns. The stunbreak "Psychic cooldown" is a little bit high (45 seconds) but still, very enjoyable when overwhelmed by enemies because this skill knockback and bring some timing for another phase fight. Since we don't really have access to clones, we need to build something around burst damages and mobility/kiting. For some fight with certains types of mobs (with breakbar or regeneration-protection boons), the burst is not enough and we start engaging another timing where we have to kite. This brings a problem : we kinda lack of real access to swiftness/quickness, and overall boon access (unless we play with the Staff). I'd love to have superspeed for 1 or 2 skill, that could bring me to a position where I can manage to control the fight. It's the only problem I had to deal with, because this class is really fun to play, with different combination of skills for deferent timings. The designs are good, but for my spec, "Rain of Swords" brings me some drop of fps. WvW I didn't tested this new elite in WvW, but I think we'll have the same talk, about mobility and faster skills ; I'm not really worried about cooldown, they seems to be really reasonable but the overall timings for dagger skills seems a little bit slow to be really timed on a large scale fight. As for the harbringer, I would have a ground targeted animation for the daggers in wvw.
  3. PvE I tested Harbringer for about 10 hours with several stats combinations and traits. First of all, I think there is a synergy with all class traits. It's kinda a vampiric build where you can tank up using barriers and deal with damages easier using high mobility skills and regeneration. It's a good idea that bring several gameplay styles possibles. And the animation push the concept to a good point. I would still add some animation for the elixirs. We need to feel the difference between one and another, since all utility skills are about Elixirs. We could even add a synergy between 2 elixirs, like if they were mixed up and brought to a new level of Skill, a little bit more offensive or defensive. There's a potential in my opinion, that could bring elixirs to a next level gameplay for large scale fighting. WvW Althought I feel it very challenging and fun to play in PvE, I think we also need to take in consideration the large scaling fight aspect. For example, elixir are good in pve, they can be very key-fighting for any situation where enemies are overwhelming. But in wvw, Elixirs and pistol lack of real utility. The area radius is only about 240 for the elixirs with the traits "Twisted Medicine". I would easily bring it to 600 it, since our allies are often here and there. Also, as you know we can't really downscale our life pool in wvw. Since this game mode is highly related to survivability, I would scale down both the overall burst damage and the life pool decrease when using the shorud, and make the pistol area related. Lots of damages sources in wvw are area related, and I feel like single target (or2) is kinda too low for being really impacting and decisive. Sometimes I shooted with the pistol and I didn't know on who I was shooting. The good point of this new elite is the high level mobility, this is good since we can trait our shroud activation with Stability. I think we need something more area related with pistols, like a zone on the ground. This will fix immediately the deal with WvW and PvE that we have to find, small and large scale.
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