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Posts posted by Bladestrom.6425

  1. @Liberis.9573 said:

    @"reikken.4961" said:I've tried to make staff ele work, but never manged it. What do you do when there's a herald/thief/soulbeast/weaver/mesmer with decent awareness on the enemy team? Seems like they'd just instantly kill you as soon as you show up to a fight. Let's see a video of dealing with that.

    You have a ton of escapes, slows, knockbacks, speed, stuns, etc.

    Fire 4, into Lighting 4 w/ "One with Air (Superspeed)", into air 5, into earth 4 or water 2,4, etc. You also have low CD arcane shield, plus a trait-based arcane shield, plus constant endurance regen from crits. You have a lot more survivability than you think, and it's mostly about awareness and positioning. Play the edges, play like a chicken (don't be afraid to run and waste people's time), play around your CDs, almost never participate in 1v1s (unless you have the point and your CDs are up), run INTO your team if you're getting chased (not away from the point), and preemptively drop your aoes on yourself if you need to. Your damage itself is a deterrent as well.

    I'll try to record another video when I can.

    While you are being chased you are not doing you primary role - pack aoe, the guy chasing you can keep chasing you through your attempts to escape, kill you and knock you out of the fight for 30 + seconds. Staff is still a parasitical build that is useless unless you can sneak about the edges of a fight undusturbed, that's a huge risk for a team to take to get a fragile aoer.

    I play Weaver d/d and every time I see one, I hunt him down and destroy him. The fight is basically 4v5 half the time as a result. I wish staff was better in spvp, but its not there at the moment.

  2. As a suggestion, it would be nice to mark a build as my 'active entry build' for a given content type, e. g i can tag one of my builds as my spvp entry build, and one as my wvw entry build, one as my fractal, pve etc etc.

    The game swaps to the flagged build when you first switch into the given content type from another or when you login. Gives same functionality as we had previously, but now we can manage the build anywhere and extend out to fractals etc.

  3. Op best advice is bench that level 80 char and start a new one. by skipping to level 80 you are literally missing out on a hundred plus hours of great gameplay and exploration fun. GW2 is very different ftom wow and eso etc in that there Is a firm gear cap that has been in place for many years. This means there is no difference between hitting 80 now and a years time. Furthermore if you like pvp (spvp in GW2 world) , you automatically get max stats and access to everything.

  4. @Knighthonor.4061 said:

    @Astralporing.1957 said:Well, of course, both of you didn't care for the template system from the very beginning.

    Speak for yourself. I am excited for this feature. I don't use add-ons so stuff like this is a plus to me.

    +1, at 400 gems/175 gold, i will probably buy a pack once every couple months for free, while i play the game sub free etc etc. Its actually quite nice to have something in the shop that i really want, its been a while.

  5. And as before many many players happily cleared fractals without a need to "ping' gear or use meters. This is a behavioural issue that stems from a raiding culture.

    Re dmg meters, the developers of ff14 conducted some behavioral analysis and it confirmed meters do cause toxic behaviour and have banned anyone from talking about meter statistics in game. Incidentally ff14 probably has the most friendly least toxic community of any any mmorpg.

    Furthermore if you correlate toxicity with meter usage I'm betting there would be a strong correlation. Just check wow at the end of the spectrum to see where this can go.

  6. @shejesa.3712 said:Idk, I'd say that having good dps is a baseline.It's, like, when you drive a car withing speed limit and suddenly someone just walks onto the road, no indication, no crosswalk, and you hit them, you don't go 'huh, I should've been more careful,' rather 'kitten, who even does that,' except you curse way, which I can't do here because of our fair and benevolent moderators.

    It's not someone's fault that they don't know how to react to a mechanic that's not showing up when people are playing well, but killed them this time because you had 5k dps on a dragonhunter.It's like on this meme, is that some casual joke I'm actually too competent to understand?

    @dodgerrule.8739 said:This is just a tactic to try and claim them being better by skipping mechanics.But people who are able to skip mechanics by doing good dps are better than people who have to do them because they can't push buttons in a sequence for a few minutes

    and this is why dps meters get a bad name, certain users think big numbers and fast kills/spamming rotations/wearing zerg gear is more important than interesting gameplay. They also forget people have been happily clearing fractals without thgis kind of attitude. Something has gradually changed, and its not those people happily clearing years ago.

  7. @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:I'm not sure it is clear cut as that, for example although you are right that user names are in themselves technically not regarded as pii, Google and many other companies do in fact consider them as personal information for certain uses cases : https://www.clickinsight.ca/blog/usernames-privately-identifiable-information.

    'However, if you are allowed to select a system username, you may decide to use your public Twitter handle as your username. You may mention your Twitter ID on your Facebook or Google+ page or LinkedIn profile. Self-selected system usernames should be considered PII because a site owner will not know if a person’s self selected usernames are the same as their public username. In the context of loading data through analytics.

    Edit, thinking about this further, although above is correct I'm forgetting user names are visible already in game already so agree user names in GW2 context is not an arcdps issue.

  8. I'm not sure it is clear cut as that, for example although you are right that user names are in themselves technically not regarded as pii, Google and many other companies do in fact consider them as personal information for certain uses cases : https://www.clickinsight.ca/blog/usernames-privately-identifiable-information.

    'However, if you are allowed to select a system username, you may decide to use your public Twitter handle as your username. You may mention your Twitter ID on your Facebook or Google+ page or LinkedIn profile. Self-selected system usernames should be considered PII because a site owner will not know if a person’s self selected usernames are the same as their public username. In the context of loading data through analytics.

  9. To add : personal identifiable data (pii) is anything that could be associated with a person. A random identifier is fine, a random identifier that can be associated with an email is bad. Equally, exposing a user name programmatically with no protection is bad. If I call my in game character name 'Bob mcbob' and that is my real name and you not encrypting that then you are breeching.

    So If arcdps is exposing character identifiers without any encryption in code and that identifier contains anything that is relatable to a person regardless of source, its breeching (I have no idea if this is the case)

    Another way to look at it, I am authenticated and authorised by my bank to programmatically retrieveA bunch of names, then I transmit that data with no controls - I'm in trouble!


  10. One of the great pleasures we get In GW2 is the potential for skill complexity and the satisfaction from mastering a complex class. GW2 does not punish you for not being able to master this complexity, ad you can happily play without min maxing.Games like wow have dumbed down and dumbed down and as a result gameplay consists of dull rotations with macros to sync cool downs. Careful what you wish for op.

  11. @Vinceman.4572 said:

    @vesica tempestas.1563 said:Some People are happy to play with no subAnd then complain that they have put something desirable in a shop to tempt us to buy - how exactly do you want anet to pay for dev costs and invest in the game? And on top of that you can get them for free as well by converting from gold!

    So, you know those are the same people? Ah, my bad, you don't.

    Lol well we can assume most people are happy to play with no sub.. So ye 'your bad'

  12. Gw3 = let's say 200-300 mil over 4-5 years to develop if you want a good engine well optimised and as rich content as any other successful aaa mmorpg. Thrn gw2 dev costs to keep custa happy during that time. On top of that you are taking a hundreds of millions punt that your design will be desired in 5 years. Thats a risk that has arguably never been taken up by an aaa mmorpg. Game Is still alive and well so this thread is speculating about content that's at least 5 years away :)

  13. @"sorudo.9054" said:if you like static achievements with an empty world filled with nothingness, GW2 is the place for you.if you love a world without even a single bit of immersion, GW2 is the place for you.if you really like grinding stuff within massive spam of effects and fake "no trinity" claims, GW2 is the place for you.

    so yep, it's absolutely.....NOT worth it if you want a proper well designed game that doesn't burn you out within weeks.

    Don't listen to this bitter nonsense. A nasty ungrateful viewpoint from someone that has got 7 years gameplay out of gw2 (yes we can see your gaming history)

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