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  1. I guarantee some will enjoy it, I and others here obviously do, and i'm happy it stays in unranked until whatever is preventing it from being switched on in ranked is resolved. I play unranked specifically because I get something different with Spirit watch and Stronghold, and often there are great fights in both maps. The main issue with pvp is the frequency of balance patches, not the content itself which is smooth and solid, and that is being conflated by some in this thread with new PVP content, which is a different aspect and concern. New map types that focuses on simplified gameplay for new players would be a great thing to have for the health of the game population in general.
  2. its also 46k on a target dummy or a npc that only affect dps meter warriors, i.e people who worry more about other peoples dps then their own.
  3. totally agree, I personally think Orr is one of the most beautiful maps across all MMORPG (try using reshade + max settings)
  4. I would go with join map and touch keyboard every 5 minutes if you want to afk. Put it this way, those other leachers that join a map and then do nothing wont reap the rewards, giving a spot to a genuine player.
  5. logoff and logon when you are free to play? or touch your keyboard every 5 mins?
  6. What are you talking about? new players don't do content that needs kp (raids/some strikes/ some max agony fractals) , elite minority isn't a thing apart from raids and co which historically has these issues in all MMO, but represents a tiny slither of the GW population, and GW2 remains and always will be a collectors game. As for the WVW golem jibber jabber, that's just bizarre, if you want to pilot a Golem then great you got a nice goal to aim for, focus your attention on getting those skills, its trivially to do.
  7. a better title would be 'proposed nerfs to power tempest in PVE'
  8. yeah your right actually, but its still too weak imo.
  9. You could say that about stacking of any instant spells along with any cast time weak spell, that does not make the weak spell powerful. Duel cast spells are mean to be the primary benefit of the weaver, and the budget of earthen does not match. Now if Earthen weaver in itself was instant that would be fair enough, but as it stands when so much instant stunbreak is available its not. as an example for rough comparison: Oaken Cudgel Imbue your mace with verdant energy and then leap to your target. Stun enemies and grant nearby allies protection. Gain Nature's Strength if you hit an enemy. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/6/6a/Damage.png/20px-Damage.png Damage: 734 (2.0)? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/8/84/Nature%27s_Strength.png/20px-Nature%27s_Strength.png Nature's Strength (25s): Imbued with vital energy. At 5 stacks you become a Force of Nature, growing enlarged, gaining stability, increasing your outgoing damage and healing, and recharging your mace skills. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/2/29/Force_of_Nature.png/20px-Force_of_Nature.png Force of Nature (5s): +10% Damage, +10% Healing Increase to Others https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/6/6c/Protection.png/20px-Protection.png Protection (4s): -33% Incoming Damage https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/6/69/Oaken_Cudgel.png/20px-Oaken_Cudgel.png Pet Heal (5s): Heal each second. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/9/97/Stun.png/20px-Stun.png Stun: 2½ seconds https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/5/53/Number_of_targets.png/20px-Number_of_targets.png Number of Targets: 5 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/a/a4/Radius.png/20px-Radius.png Radius: 180 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/a/a4/Radius.png/20px-Radius.png Boon Radius: 360 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/1/1a/Combo.png/20px-Combo.png Combo Finisher: Blast https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/e/e2/Evade.png/20px-Evade.png Defiance Break: 250 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/c/c5/Range.png/20px-Range.png Range: 450
  10. The point is it is TERRIBLE value. Your spending 3/4 of a second to stun your opponent for 1.5 seconds with zero dmg, that's not in a vacuum, your opponent can see what you are doing. Also bear in mind you are in earth and air at the time, AND this is meant to be a strong weaver duel skill. Its way under budget considering all this.
  11. exactly, its a 1.5 second stun, that costs you .75 of a second (if i recall right) to cast. WTF is that useful for. On top of that its on one of the primary skills for the Weaver. What it smacks of is someone blindly applying a generalised design decision with absolute zero critical thinking or impact analysis...again.
  12. it is, but what that person should do if they really want to fast track it is invest in the game and buy a few gems.
  13. @Rubi Bayer.8493 Just wanted to say compliments to the chefs, Super impressed that this is not a reuse of guild halls and looks like a lot of thought and effort has gone into this. Time and time again the Anet devs take a classic aspect of MMORPGs and produce a slick variation and this is no exception. I would also add personally, over the years I have flipped between ESO (for housing) and GW2 (pretty much everything else) and now I can finally abandon ESO. More cash for you in Gem shop! To anyone who feared or predicted GW2 was in containment - this is clear evidence that the game is thriving.
  14. You didn't understand his point. A Bette analogy than your car one is going into a supermarket and pay $5 for a 24 pack of beer, compare to paying $10 for a $48 pack.
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