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  1. lol ur literally saying thief isnt worth kitten to 1v1, even tho in all mmos rogues are kings of 1v1s, 4k LMAO my war hits 8-10k on the gs f1 constantly and I can tank the kitten out of ppl with spellbreaker and a thief can do 4k dmg in thier most dmging skill its a joke, but what can you expect the community made thief a +1 and decap bot thanks god I quit play thief
  2. yea I ended up keeping it, willbender bladesworn and cata were really fun, I just deleted my thief since they guted the sustain on IP to force specter and I like to solo group content and I dont play condi. But EOD was great
  3. why would I want to play necro on my thief? idc if its any good, the idea sucks
  4. I'm pretty sure everyone knows u can play braindead pp DE or condi d/d DD, but at least for me they are boring as heal. Staff DD wasnt the best for soloing group stuff but u could and its fun as hell with IP and now u just cant anymore cause the devs need to push wallmart necro and condi on thief
  5. Have u ever tried to solo dungeons (group content in general)? And I used marauders anyways, the 6% heal against the dmg champions and legendaries do is nothing and u will eventually get hit its a long fight, the only way it can "work" is it having a bunch of enemies for u to vault on. Thief still has one of the lowest hp pools in the game (and thats fine if u had ways to counter that like guardian sustain) , the only ppl that were being braindead with IP were ppl in meta events, and why would u care about them? Why cant I play a high risk high reward on thief? nerf it down to 13% but not 6% my vaults do like 7-9k ea soo thats less than a 540 heal per vault. What bothers me the most is that IP wasnt even the meta trait, it is still no quarter. Again they only did that to push condi specs and wallmart necro. I can still solo everything on my VIPER condi d/d DD or DE, and viper is as greedy as zerk lol and I can even go more braindead on condi and throw a full trailblazer since I dont need power, precision and ferocity that much anyways but I can be greedy on condi cause its an evade spam with good sustain unlike power thief with the 70% nerf to IP. They destroyed power thief for soloing group content at least as a melee, I think u can still braindead DE rifle but I dont know since I would never touch that or pistol pistol or whatever that new purple necro is. And theres warrior, I run full cavalier have a kitten load of toughness and I still do 80k+ with the 100% crit trait on dragon slahes and thats a 6k heal every 8 secs, with 3 charges of my healing skill with the ult and I have 19k+ with no vit stacking, I have almost 17k on my MARAUDER THIEF with cavalier and knight trinkets rn cause Im trying to make this work cause I played condi D/D for 3 days I wanted to die cause its boring af, the rotation is just 333333333333333 dodge 333333333 dodge weapon swap 333333333333333333 dodge
  6. see thats why we cant have nice things, story content was never hard? and was never meant to be hard? the problem with the 70% nerf is for those of us who actually try to beat the hard content alone, if u are fighting a champ or a leg healing 600 or ur vault and he does 50%-60% of your hp when he hits u, ur basically healing nothing and u will die like a kitten, at this point is either play condi thief or specter and I will die b4 touching wanna be necro but purple soo sadly I had to swap to some braindead condi build
  7. lol a support necro you mean? cause the scepter game play is just a walmart necro, yea I belive anet would do anything to kitten thief up, they hate thief soo much they turned the new spec into a necromancer and nerfed both dd and de, oh yes what I always wanted casted tps on thief and wells OHH THATS SOO GREAT AND SCEPTER I GET TO USE A SCEPTER AS THIEF, thats soo cool! all specter tps can be interrupted in pvp, u just pistol 4 and boom no tp, oh nicee I have shourd now but wait why dont I just play reaper or scourge then, shut up we are diversifying, thats soo new even the animations are not reused assets oh wait they are, literally a necro but purple, and another thing rogues were always the glass canons why would pick thief to play support?????? it doesnt make sense
  8. I belive we are talking about soling actual stuff not hp (expect some hot ones like balthazar) , anything can solo hps, soloing dungeons and legs with a 70% cut on the sustain is terrible, its literally better to just quit the class and play some other class or just quit the game
  9. cause they hate thief, even now the new elite spec is just a way to make thief play like necro 🙂 but thief and war are still the only 2 fun classes to play anyways maybe on gw3 thief will actually play like a rogue
  10. ? I can solo legs and dungeons easily on my power warrior, while my power thief struggles to kill hot champions cause u die in 1 shots and backstabs do 10k max and u have 13k hp and no more sustain with the new nerf
  11. soo the whole support thief shinnegans was made by a salty guardian main what were the odds, thank you anet! Now we have sPeCtEr
  12. idk dude hitting 70-80k on my dragons slashes and healing for 8% soo 6.4k - 4.8k heal every 8 seconds with 2.2k toughness seem to disagree with that + the 2 stacks of combat stimulant + the extra charge from the ultimate, idk about the other classes since they are boring af and I only play warrior and thief, but the last time I saw an fb, reaper and condi rev it was pretty dumb to play solo group content, still doesnt change the fact that nerfing a trait that isnt even meta doesnt make any sense, anet just like to push 1 iq condi builds and the sub par new specs like walmart necro
  13. ???????????????????????????????????????? soo are u just ignoring that all of the other class are way more op than thief with or without this trait???????????? kitten I can solo legs easy on my power warrior, firebrand?????? u are literally unkillable? condi rev?????? Like what even is ur point soo u think all the other classes should be nerfed into oblivion right? Power reaper with 10k+ autos? 2 hp bars? great point make thief even more weak compared to the other classes WAY TO GO BRO! They are doing this to push that all thiefs to play wallmart necro I mean specter
  14. I just saw the new thief spec, do I need to open a ticket?
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