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chaoslordlol.3165's Achievements

  1. sounds like something a PvEer would tell to a PvPer. Have you ever been in PvP? If yes you know what kind of people play it :x
  2. not sure what you mean with warrior blurr but its a mesmer skill they get invulnerable. Since you decided to make your life harder with a class that is inferior to the classes you mentioned well..
  3. We have decided to launch a 2v2 mode between seasons and not disable duo premades. We think that we dont think at all and thats fine. Death to sPvP : Anet thought processing for sure
  4. Because if top stats did matter everyone would just play a willbender faceroll over teamfights complain his team does nothing come out with 20 deaths and still have at least 3 top stats.
  5. I think this is a great take. I honestly think that your average and below average pvper or pvp enjoyer doesnt want to think about how rotations work how you need to go afk on that point because thats what your class does. People wana go into pvp bash in their skulls and thats it. We need a game mode for that. I personally am enjoying the 2v2s right now more then our 5v5s
  6. Imagine willbender being bad but still being the Power Herald version 2.0
  7. How about that anet? Lets fix first all the textures in all maps lets say. I mean its not like you will give us any new maps in the next century so you dont have to worrry about extra work :x Just fix the ones that are there
  8. I was wondering if we will see something like that in the future. I didnt play many classes but if I compare some downstates to others im like eh for real? I think biggest winners by far are Rangers with their pets, Power mesmers if they can get their phantasm off, Warriors if they can get to their revive and necros ofc :x Middle ground feels like belongs to guardians. For me personally the L goes to thiefs, elementalists, revenants, engineers. What do you think of it besides the occasional kitten that will storm this topic? ❤️
  9. Anet needs to well. Care about pvp its that simple. As people say theres about 12 players playing it so why are reports not handreviewed banning first of all all the afkers all the toxic munchkins out of it. - After that we need more players to solve another issue. Matchmaking. Imagine I dropped into G2 from G3 and still have to face people with a top 100 ranked title and im like uh duh sure fun incoming. - We cant really fix smurfs honestly. Feels like a impossible task. The only way to come to my mind is make it worth spamming it on one account like manage idk 1500 games in a season to get XYZ reward. Basically forcing someone to stay on that one account to diehard farm it. - Rewards feel okayish, maybe a slight bump would be nice tho. - Duos should be only queued with duos obviously. - Locking someone on their character they queued up should be mandatory. Sure some comps sucks but you can change your build not your character.
  10. Ill try it thanks! Its just a bit discouraging because I really like the playstyle of the class but whenever I play sPvp I feel like I can do what the other classes do but not to such a extent they do. If I play Power assasin I do damage but not as much as a thief. If I play condi I do damage and am somewhat tanky but not as much as a mesmer in comparison or condi zerker. kinda sorta discouraging. I mean I guess im not playing well yet ofc but theres situation where im like what was I supposed to use to actually do something there :x
  11. Alright playing different condi builds I came to the conclusion. I cant play condi builds on this class. Doesnt seem to work in my hands by any means which is funny cuz I play fire Sw/Focus weaver xD Here is what I feel condi builds - I die too quick and I feel like I deal absolutely no damage? Either theres too many condi cleanses ingame or I just am clueless how to apply conditions on this class Alright so is there a bunker build that I could play? :x Ill probably try Power Vindicator next with GS / SB I guess
  12. this ones a interesting build. Been trying it without success honestly xD I can see it working somehow but the learning curve is way too steep compared to power builds :x already tanked my ranked ratings but ill try the condi build maybe ill learn it if no ill just drop it :x Espeecially the lack of defensives hurts with classes like willbender and the other memes that can stick to you and are unkitable. And especially having 1 stunbreak is kinda meh. On ele id go with 2 at least and even with 3 sometimes current meta is meme stuns. Im looking at this build to try. Ill probably way less damage https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Herald_-_Condition_Mallyx
  13. Alright here is a small edit for the first build GS / SWxS I struggle less against condies yes but I struggle very much against power builds. The double evade staff provides is too good against them. Kind of like stuck between a rock and a hard place honestly xD Ill try the condi build now
  14. ill be pvping today for the ascension 3 achievement so ill roll through all the builds suggested here. Thanks!
  15. and how does that help me though. Im using it but im confused about what is supposed to be the outcome. Does it target only the player and not the clone. Please elaborate. Like yes I agree might be skill issue im just Gold 3 so well im not really high up the ladder. And being defeated by really stupid stuff like the guy decides to stand still to act like a clone and im like right which one was it nr 1 or nr 12
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